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Shouldn't we all be studying?

dedicated to M M Jones from Montana,
where I guess big skies make people think
about big questions and young poets thrive.

the butterflies of child-awakening
to the certainty
that school and
shame and embarrassment
were only minutes away,
once again,
is as fresh as
the flowers my love
buys every Friday,
fifty plus year later.

I would awake,
climb into bed with my mother,
telling her I did not feel well,
that my
stomach felt gray.  

I could not tell her that
the mocking I received by
my richer classmates at the
multiple lines in the fabric
of my corduroy pants
where she let my pants down
made me cannon fodder
for what we call now

I could not tell her
of the heartbreak
when somehow the parents
of my supposed suburban friends
forgot to
pick me up for the weekly swim,
leaving me to watch
the sunset fall as I sat
on the stoop of our old house,
tucked away in an out of the way,
unfashionable street,
the shame still wet.

I could not tell her
of how two bothers tortured me
as I sat in the back seat
of their station wagon,
spitting seeds
on me like curses.  

Their older brother died of cancer
when that was still unusual,
and the mother wrote
a beautiful book
about his life.

I still hate them, those two,
fifty years later and it gives me
unusually great pleasure to
announce it to the world.

So I studied.  

Not my schoolbooks,
but lovely and ***** literature.
Friday afternoons, three children,
me the baby brother,
(anonymous, for they nicknamed me
brother as if  I was nothing but
checked off category)
to the library went.

Five, five was the max
they the austere librarians
and their coda of holy silence,
would let me withdraw.
(god I can see my library card still).  

By Friday night,
I had finished one or two,
ruining my eyes in
the lousy lamp light
in the living room,
falling asleep on the couch.  

this, reading addiction,
which afflicted the entire family,
I did well into my teens.

I have stopped reading
which amazes the very few
who know and care.

do let us re-pose,
let us repose,
the question:

Shouldn't we all be studying?

the answer of course is
yes and no.

my studying blue period
is long since ended.
now, my biographer,
will call this my red period.

for red are the memories that my remembrances
come back to me.
crystal is the clarity
of the indignities
I recall, though red,
is the anger
at the shame and
abuse I took.

now I can write what I have always held in my heart.  

those two awful brothers,
who loved to torture me,
I was glad their
wonderful brother died.

so this is my red writing period,
when the studying of a kind,
has long since ended
but the smell,
the memory of
fresh textbooks still can
make me nauseous.

Yet, I still study life around me,
as I clean countertops,
walk deserted beach isles
in early September...
this studying,
is the product of years
of studying the inside out
of me, and turning that study
fruitful into poetry.

why am I writing this at 2:00 am on a Sunday morning?

I did not pose the question.

but it posed me,
and the dialogue in my mind came
sugarcane fresh and tumbling out
and will be both
recorded and recoded
("in the truth will out eventually" file)
after a fashion.

these days I sometimes study
my older poems,
whose titles I recognize,
but whose content
I cannot recall.  

so double digit delight
when I
meet again old words,
wondrous and trite,
that make believe
that all my studying
somehow paid off after all.
When I stumble on a young poet on this site, whose poems delight me, I will bring them to your attention. When you discovered me,  they forgot to tell you about this bonus feature, I guess.
I tried to jot down a poem, no actually I tried to force out one
All I got was a splatter of lame ****  lines in the memo bit of my ****** Samsung which has definitely seen better days

Imagine if one were to try to **** a cactus or something resembling one
That's what forcing out
any piece of writing feels like
of course I would not accurately know as I have never **** a cactus before (has anyone ever)

Anyway, I cracked my skull
Trying to get my emotions to that zone where it flows naturally
A good poem is one that stems from the heart

I'm probably talking nonsense right now it's 2:20am, I have red wine running through my veins
I am at this very moment questioning the notion of the existence of a correlation between writing and alcohol consumption
If there is indeed a correlation then in this state of intoxication I should have penned a poem oozing with sheer and utter brilliance, surely

2:40am and I am done rambling.
I'm afraid of losing you
I'm afraid that I already have
I'm afraid that if I never had you
I'd fade away from day to day
In a consistent stream of apathy
I'm afraid of the dryness in my throat
every morning at five am
I'm afraid of the cigarette between my fingers
an hour later
I'm afraid of the quivering in my hands
When I run out of coffee
I'm afraid of my closet
I'm afraid of the sizes in my clothes
I'm afraid of the way my friends think
I'm afraid that they don't think at all
I'm afraid of the drugs in their cabinets
I'm afraid of the drugs in their veins
I'm afraid of the silent pain that is too often
conveyed in a stranger's eye
I'm afraid of the people I work for
I'm afraid that they don't know how to love
I'm afraid of love
I'm afraid of my bedroom
I'm afraid of every man who's slept in it
I'm afraid of the people who
don't have the things they need
Equally afraid of the ones that have everything
They want
I'm afraid that nothing out here is right
I'm afraid that I made it that way
And I'm afraid that this fear
Just isn't enough to make me change my ways
it was never enough
Look at me...
I was made for you.
In ancient of days for you
Into your nostrils came forth life
Then I was gaved to you
I dwelled in caves with you
Held back in slave days with you.
Cried days, nights long, meant so
Much just to stay with you
Did you know I was raised with you?
I was raised by you?
Then I was turned around by some
Strengh, and I raised you too?
It was me.
I have always been right there
With you
And you are the reason why I do
Everything I do.
I remember a time when
The world wasn't amazed
By you
But yet I fore your babies
So that you could see you for you.
Yes... I was made to spend
My days with you.
So why don't you look at me?
Why don't you see me?
I have been in love with you but you
Weren't in love with me.
I came down from the sun to you,
From god. With you I sailed the sea
I've been for you and with you,
How could you not see me?
I carried babies for you
So that you could see yourself
Because that was your greatest wealth.
Its still your greatest wealth
And without me, you
Cannot recreate yourself
This is me; I am your dynasty
The way it was, the way it is,
And supposed to be
So why don't you look at me?
Why don't you know my worth and beauty?
Why doesn't your heart see me?
Why have you lost yourself?
Why don't you know your own wealth?
Why have you despised wisdom
And chose to decline your
Own self?
Why aren't you fighting for me?
I am almost absolute
Why do you believe you exist
In a world
That doesn't care
About me?
I wish you'd hear a burden
I wish you spoke the truth
I wish you understood some
I wish that you was foolproof
... for I have loved you
But I do not believe you love
Yet, I choose to believe in
If I could just get you to see me
-look at me-
Copyright 12/5/13, all rights reserved falen acon. this goes out to all the black guys.. blacks girls are so unique but why is it that black dudes don't see that? Everyone else does.
[Verse 1]
He got older but never grew
For his life he can't tell the truth
How to love he ain't got a clue
Playing games like he'll never lose you
Try to talk to him can't get through
Every day he's a different dude
These are the signs of a grown *** boy
Better run for the hills I'm just trying to keep it real

You can't raise a man he's already grown what you gonna do
You wonder why he acts like a boy If he wasn't raised right before you
Girl you ain't never gonna change nobody if he don't wanna,you can't make nobody
Cause you can't raise a man no no

[Verse 2]
Coming home any time at night expecting you to let it ride
How many tears are you gonna cry Playing games like he'll never lose you
You know that the love is changed how many times he called you out your name
These are the signs of a grown *** boy
Better run for the hills I'm just keeping it real


[Verse 3]
Gonna take more than a miracle to change him just let him go
Tell me when will you decide to do better with your life
If his mamma couldn't do it what makes you think
You can train a boy to be a man, it's too late
Better off letting him go no matter how hard you try you can't raise
lyrics to K Michelle "Cant raise a man"...
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