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this city never sleeps
this city never cries
secret's that it keeps
beyond smoggy skies

car alarms
gun shots
people screaming
parking lots

this city doesn't feel
this city's not afraid
these scars never heal
these sounds never fade

news stand
police sirens
news van

this city never sleeps
this city never cries
you can hear it on streets
you can see it in their eyes
I have been meaning to meet
seeming to seek
a new way
i have been leaning to peek
meaning to greet
a new day

i have been wanting to see
dawning for me
a bright light
i have been taunting the free
daunting for me
a slight fight

i have been pulling the blind
fooling the time
a ****** fate
i have been looking to find
footing of mine
to stand straight
Lucid dreaming whilst sleeping in zero gravity
Encapsulated in the realm of Nirvana
Majestic tranquility of a pilular nature
Pilular because you have "class"
Constellation of implications,
Etched on skin
We all have dabbled in tragedy.
i never took Mother Earth for a felon,
but it is nothing less than a ******* crime
that you & i are forced to exist continents apart.

- m.f.
You are my drug
No I'm not your drug.
A drug is...
A drug is...
an escape.

I am no ones escape,
I am not a savior nor a queen.
I am not intoxicating.
Nor a

So take your sorrows and throw them to someone else.
Someone who can stand.

I may be fire,
but I shan't burn you.
I may be independent,
but I'll never be strong.

So please,
don't take me like you would a drug.
I am not one to be a substance,
used in your self medicated life.


Thanks for hiring me
i was the man for the job
i knew i would love it
when my hand touched the ****

my art is demolition
my little wrecking ball
smashing empty buildings
how i love to watch them fall

thanks for hiring me
i didn't let you down
i turned their city
to nothing but ground
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