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 Apr 2014 Schanzé
"I wish you well."

                                         ­                                     (but not too well without me)
I like 10 word poems because it forces you to summarize your thoughts  to the point where you're really only saying what you mean.
Maybe I should try using that same theory in my own life, haha.
You moved away,
you thought you were safe.
Don't fear the reaper,
'cuz I took his place.
I can fake my identity and try to look happy,
but its all just a cover.
Take a swig from the flask and remove the last mask
only to find another.

There was once a time when I knew myself,
but now I'm not so sure.
All semblance of self-worth lay eroding in the dirt,
and its all thanks to her.

It's not really her fault, I'm truly to blame.
I grew selfish out of fear.
Afraid of being alone, I couldn't let her go
and now she's nowhere near.
A quick freestyle that I did.
 Apr 2014 Schanzé
A poet in love
Is a match soaked
In gasoline.

follow my writing!

it will kick you in the diaphragm.
 Apr 2014 Schanzé
Danielle Shorr
Do not fall in love with me
I will turn every empty second into a overanalyzed thought
I will fill the spaces between our heartbeats with lovesongs emitted from my fingertips
I will make your words into poetry
Recite them over and over until they are tattooed on your skin
I will make your lips a sacred temple and send my prayers through kisses
Your body will become my garden where i will plant myself roots up
Intertwine my vines with yours
I will call you the sun
Your breath will become my air and I will use you to photosynthesize
I will forget that I am not a tree
And you are not my forest
I will forget that we are only human
So do not fall in love with me
Unless you are willing
To love the details.
 Apr 2014 Schanzé
 Apr 2014 Schanzé
My poetry is the product of a fool
in love.
 Mar 2014 Schanzé
Ashley Rodden
Say something poetic
Say something not so cliche
Tell me I'm pretty
Tell me how much I mean
Say that you will always stay
Tell me you'll never leave
Tell me I'm special
Tell me you believe
Tell me how I'm an exception to all your rules
Tell me to you I mean the world
Make me promises
Say I'm so smart
Tell me I'm awesome
Then tear our love apart
Say your giving us up
Tell me we're not okay
Say something to justify all the hurtful things said
Tell me I'm your dream girl
That I belong with you
Say something factual
Say something cruel
Tell me I don't have to leave
Explain it to me so I can understand
Point out my faults with my heart in your hand
Render me speechless with all your good points
Use your intelligence to make me feel not smart
Tell me how you're a better human being
Convince me of all the ways that I'm wrong
Educate me on where you think I belong
But don't say you loved me when I meant nothing at all
And don't call me baby doll
Don't tell me I look pretty in the snow
Don't pretend that you tried to mend my busted soul
Tell me how you had good intent
Say what you need to say in order to vent
Accuse me of things you think you know
Tell me I lied
But don't say I never tried
Tell me you've always been there for me
Use reverse psychology and turn it all around on me
Tell me that you're a hero
Tell me I'm the fool
Tell me how you'll stay til time is no more
Speak your words into my broken heart
And I won't say anything at all...

© Ashley Rodden. All rights reserved
It's all that's around me now.
 Mar 2014 Schanzé
LJ Chaplin
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