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 Mar 2014 Schanzé
LJ Chaplin
 Mar 2014 Schanzé
LJ Chaplin
Iron cast and weighing me down,
These lungs filled with air,
Take me from the ground,
Lift me up above the clouds,
High above the moon,
The wind and rain are the only sounds.

Anchored to the seabed,
These lungs have filled with water,
Fish and memories swim through my head,
Watch me fall apart and rest,
A shipwrecked soul and covered in coral,
Locked away inside a treasure chest.

A desert storm and I'm still lost,
These lungs are filled with sand,
Each grain inhaled comes at a cost,
Flip me over like an hourglass,
Watch the time fall away,
Lungs die down and breaths never last.
© L.J. Chaplin
 Mar 2014 Schanzé
Stop blaming the weather for why you've become so cold.
 Mar 2014 Schanzé
i'm sorry
 Mar 2014 Schanzé
i'm sorry for being me.
i promise it'll never happen again.
but sometimes when i'm alone
i am my only friend
i know you want me to be social
but i'll say it once again
my mirror understands me
and she'll leave if i give in.
your backing me into a corner here
can you back up a bit?
i need to breath my own air
and marijuana is not it
and if that is being normal i don't wanna fit in
for everyone who says just because you're alone makes you "a loner"
Every time I see you
It's like jamais vu
It's still the first time
I saw your face
I still do that double take
You still take my breath away
But I still keep walking
Because I know
You are too good
For a dead poet
Like me
Jamais Vu is the opposite of Deja vu, which means everything is like the first time.
If I wrote a book about you
It would have 311 pages
No more
No less

It would have 16 chapters
Each one telling a story
Of how something made me fall
Slow enough so you couldn't see

One whole chapter would talk about the time
We locked glances from across the room
And I decided that your eyes
Were my new favorite color

Page 214 would have a coffee stain
From where I almost got enough nerve
To ask you how you feel
When we are together

Little do you know
That every word I've written
Belongs somewhere
In that book
And I will make room
For them all
Before I met you I was so uptight
And now that I know you
All I want to do is write
About how the world sees us two

Your eyes are bright enough to shine
Even in the darkest times
And to know they have love only for mine
Makes it easy to love myself sometimes

I've always had problems with love
And you have helped me become free
Now I can fly as high as a dove
Now I can be me

And now there is only one way to say
How I love you more everyday
Writing in prose
Does not make you a poet

Telling of times
Of a crimson stream
Caused by your denial
Does not make you a poet

Just because you starve yourself
In a fruitless pursuit of perfection
Does not make you a poet

What makes you a poet
Is when seeing her eyes
Makes you want to stop the world
And detail how they twinkled
When the light came in
At just the right angle
From the glass pane windows

What makes you a poet
Is when you think that her hair
Even when she wears it in that messy bun
On the top of her head
Looks like the gold
Of that ring you found
That you would love to put on her finger

What makes you a poet
Is not knowing just the right words
To describe her
So you just say nothing
And make her become these words
That you obsesse over
After writing this, I was actually shaking because of how relevant it was to me at that moment.
You make me feel like
The world isn't as dark as
It always had seemed
We live in a world

Where children care more about
How much something costs
Than how much they want it

Where children learn
About ***
Before learning morals

Where people are more interested
In violence
than love

Where people choose leaders
Based on an adhesive sticker
On the back of a car

Where people are afriad
To speak what they want
For fear of being judged

Where people are killed
Because they don't believe
In what you think is right

Where a fifteen year old boy
Is the one writing all of these unfortunate truths
While the rest of the world is blind

And that's a **** shame
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