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 Aug 2014 Sayira
 Aug 2014 Sayira
Quite a leap or in fact a flight into oblivion,
Who's to say whether fruitful or pointless
Some words are perhaps better left unsaid,
But a silent voice can't yell out its frustrations, and a quiet mind thinks and thinks while the ground seems closer and closer
 Aug 2014 Sayira
 Aug 2014 Sayira
Elevate me mighty one take me to astronomical Heights, so simple and so miniscule, and yes it weighs heavy on most judgmental mouths,  see my days are full but hanging from a thread,
If it isn't for you mighty one; I'd be a cloud who can't produce mother nature's tears of joy, I survive for my everyday meal is you my precious life
 Aug 2014 Sayira
 Aug 2014 Sayira
It's my rebirth, my eyes and soul having been jump started once again,
Such an insulting past cannot be resurrected nor can it be cherished,
I can see her bright mind building a tall structure deep in this treasure mine
 Aug 2014 Sayira
I oscillate suspended perhaps from the reigns of this dark ceiling, the wire holding my consciousness breaks and suddenly my trip becomes ominous,  please my misery isn't worth your amusement nor is it any  consolation for bad luck, it is now this realization of my dreams undergoing corruption, a sea of hallucinations and self induced masochism in all attempt to achieve the collapse of reality
 Aug 2014 Sayira
Who I am
 Aug 2014 Sayira
I'm a volcano that erupts and corupts when my seduction I conduct,
No I'm not a product
Of your imagination
This existence knows no imitation
Needs no dictation and this be no indication of no rebellion
I'm an apparition in a partition of the brain none that I do is an action done in vain
Perhaps it is forgotten the letters that compose my name
This is a refusal to damnation my actions require no explanation
I'm a thunderstorm in the clouds up above
Little Bit for Pixie

I lay down beside her,
Our breathing matches,
I close my eyes and let sleep take hold,
She wakes up beside me
Her hand running lightly through my hair
She prepares for her day,
We say our good byes,
There may not be a next time,
We hug hoping time will stop,
I lay down in my bed
She lays in hers
Tonight we dream of our little bit we shared
Hello, This is for you, I hope it makes it to you, goodnight and sweet dreams.
 Aug 2014 Sayira
Mohd Arshad
 Aug 2014 Sayira
Mohd Arshad
I strike,
I strike to warn you:
life is deflating in the sky
and flickering on the table.
your embers are dying out
to be ashes in the air.
I strike,
I strike to remind you:
make bundles of noble deeds
ready to aboard the ship
bound for hereafter.
I strike,
I strike to give you
a piece of directive:
heaven welcomes
the angels on earth.
Notes (optional)

— The End —