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 Jun 2020 savarez
James Daniel
We converse with complete strangers
To say the things we don't
To our families
 Jun 2020 savarez
i have always heard of aristophanes' story of soulmates be retold a bunch of times. the story always starts with humans originally having 4 legs, 4 arms, and a head with two faces. fearing the power they hold, zeus split them into two; condemning them to spend their lives finding their other halves.

i have always found it funny and fascinating. but i can't help but to think if the story is flawed?

because who's to say that there's only one person for me my whole life? who's to say that it can't take the form of a lover?

it can take place in the form of a friend that checks up on you at random
it can take place in the form of a professor that helps you when you've been underperforming
it can take place in the form of a parent that has always had your back throughout your years.

but why stop there? who's to say it had to be a person?

it can take place in the form of a sunny day where the sky is as clear as the ocean
it can take place in the form of an object that has always brought you back to your comfort zone
it can even take place in the form of a stray cat that is very playful to you everytime you pass by them

but again, i beg the question. who's to say aristophanes wasn't right? because maybe i am wrong

maybe, all this time, i just never met the right person

because i never met someone
who was as calm as a bright, blue sky
as playful and cheerful like a feral cat
as warm and welcoming like a friend

till i met you.
inspired by a friend's piece during pride.
Een zwarte roos van het is uit.
En dan die traan die uit je oog spuit.
Die traan van liefde en rust.
We draaien om elkaar heen als ying and yang.
Ik ben dapper en zij is bang.
Een rode traan van liefde of van bloed.
Die je hart bonzen doet.
 Jun 2020 savarez
hiba sajid
I watch the fireflies dance about
and gleam the flora around me
Just like the stars above,
that sparked up the night sky.
Oh what a lovely sight !

The crickets trill in the distance
as if they yearned to be heard.
I inhale the warm breeze that flew towards me,
with a grin so wide,
it made my eyes sparkle.
And all my troubles seemed to disappear
into the enchanting night.
I feel magically light,
as if I'm floating.
And I bemuse myself,
as I float into the mysterious night sky
dancing to the rhythm of the breeze
Oh, what a lovely night!
Nature is therapy
 Jun 2020 savarez
Logan Robertson
For almost 2 days, now, I have been wondering what has been going on.

I can't upvote and comment on poems, and most poems that I see posted have no view counts.

By now one would have hoped that the fallen would gotten back on their feet.

I just wish there was a voice out there, somewhere, instead of speculating.

Logan Robertson

Update-Today marks the sixth day of being in the dark. The lump in my throat has gotten bigger. I
feel choked and can't swallow the wheels falling off
of this site. Some poem submissions appear to be normal, some not. I just tried reposting Elliot's and Darrel Langstrom's last poems which are very foretelling of where we are today and I hit a snag. My hands, now, are up in the air and I don't like that feeling.
 Jun 2020 savarez
Lost Touch
 Jun 2020 savarez
As the leaves reappear one after the other
And the sky resonates with loud motors no longer,
Rather the melody of the feathery comets,
The timelessly rushed city does not comment.

It does not look up or stop the watch,
But carries on the proud march,
Out of breath, never in one place,
The race dictates the pace,
For the pride of glorious success,
Or to avoid the darkness of loneliness.  

You don’t even smile anymore, no pretending,
But when last did you last looks past
Your own existence. Nature and harmony,
Only a distant memory, is this how it was meant to be?
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