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 Jul 2014 S B Johnson
Poetic T
I speak to the mountains,
I tell them of my troubles,
They seem to be blown away
In to the clouds,
I do from time to time
Shouts words, from up high,
Bellow them out loud,
In to the mountains
And away in to the sky,
The one I love to come
Back is the sound of
The mountains speak,
I shout with all my might
Because they never judge,
They listen to what I say in
And laugh,
And the echo comes full swing
Every night before I go to bed
I am a prisoner to my mind.
A slave to my thoughts.
The words in my head haunt me.
People are afraid of the monsters under their beds.
But I'm afraid of the ones in my head.
 Jul 2014 S B Johnson

Painted in a corner

Smeared about the floor

Chants of lone forgiveness

Quiet in the war

“Deafening the sound of death”

Garden roses trampled

Broken stems abound

Wilting on the visions

Blooming losses found

“Petals of peace scattered carelessly”

Blood along the pathway

Eyes hid in the mist

Penning someone else’s name

On this lengthy list

“Alphabetical to the grave”

Standing from the shadows

Crossing battle lines

Reaching for the freedom

Voices loud can find

“Speak up children, your voices matter”

Put aside your weapons

Time has come to cease

The nation now has gathered

United prayer for peace

*“On our hands and knees we pray… send the evil far away”
I was asked to write a poetic prayer for peace by a young friend in Iraq. This is what I wrote.
 Jul 2014 S B Johnson
I would paint your sky a thousand colors, if I could
And inspire the restlessness in your heart;
I would give to you a million stars, if I could
If I could, I'd gift you a new start.
I often disregard the fact that people affect me the way they do
whether it be good or bad, I just can't shake the fact that people matter
So I'm really astonished by the fact that good people
or anyone really, are treated badly
Is it that we forget the Golden Rule at a certain age
such as when adolescence hits and our selfishness consumes us
or when things gets so bad that it's depression you can't escape
whatever it maybe, whoever it maybe
don't you think they'd appreciate a little kind-heartedness?
even if it ain't reciprocated,
even if they hate you,
even if they harm you,
look into the core of their soul
and let them know,
how their actions only reflect
how much hurt they have endured
and the fact of the matter is,
that they are loved,
it's ensured
even if they aren't.
many thanks for reading, share it around if you like it!
What is pink? a rose is pink
By a fountain's brink.
What is red? a poppy's red
In its barley bed.
What is blue? the sky is blue
Where the clouds float thro'.
What is white? a swan is white
Sailing in the light.
What is yellow? pears are yellow,
Rich and ripe and mellow.
What is green? the grass is green,
With small flowers between.
What is violet? clouds are violet
In the summer twilight.
What is orange? Why, an orange,
Just an orange!
 Jul 2014 S B Johnson
 Jul 2014 S B Johnson
the blue sea is dissolving
misting into the sky
sea-shrouding our island
white ghost in the waves

— The End —