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 Jul 2020 arthur samuel papa
I love you inside your mind
  I love you outside your head.
  I love you in solitude or screaming
  stroking you gently or kissing thighs
  in dreams or nightmares bravely or
  shrinking in fear from your anger.
  I love you inside out and upside down
  north south east west night or day.
  I always love you most at 3AM while
  you gently snore and talk in your sleep.
A starless sky wrapped in an empty dream.
I remember the days where your smile was like a fine wine I loved.
Now it's left a bad taste in my mouth.
In my heart hangs a votive wreaths
Of old withered memories.
Your voice no longer shakes the
Ocean of my sleep.
You where a lesson this comic universe wanted to teach me.
Now all I want to do is forget I ever
Loved you.
#learn #lesson #forget
some treat attractiveness
as if it is THE  deciding factor
to date someone
when it should be
one of MANY prerequisites
I am crying seriously
Like ocean is crying
I am tired for injustice
A family unfairness

I am intended to leave
Somewhere very far
To my nation
To get peacefulness
On this earthy carpet
#Serious  #issue
He was lonely
She was lonely
They felt safe in each other's company and decided to be lonely together
Now they're never lonely again
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