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Sam Ciel Jan 2015
It may seem somewhat morbid,
But I promise I don't lie,
When I say I find it interesting
To ask, "What if I died?"

I wonder what an impact
I'd make if I did bound.
Would I change the lives
Of those I keep around?

I wonder what a mess
I'd make if I did bleed.
Every act has recompense.
Whose tortures would I feed?

I wonder whose breath
I'd steal if I did hang.
Who would be left without words
To dull the sudden pain?

I wonder all these things,
And it makes me smile.
If I passed, they would care.
Perhaps I'll stay a while.
I'm not suicidal. I just find it somehow therapeutic to remember that people would care if I were. It's my strange way of reminding myself I matter. Everyone does.

©Sam Ciel
Sam Ciel Jan 2015
In freshman biology
I recall learning about the
Food chain and
Natural selection.

I remember how seemingly
Most of the lessons were.
How we'd go home and only a
Tiny few of us would remember.

Most of us left it at the door.

But when the tiny few of us
Who were so used to taking things home
Tried to leave the pecking order at the door,

Everyone else remembered.

They remembered we were
At the bottom of that order,
The bottom of the chain.

And they wouldn't let us

They wouldn't let us forget
That we were at the bottom,
And as they slammed us against whatever they chose,
That they were the ones
At the top.

I remember eighth grade.
Agricultural studies.
And I remember
The first time we planted a sapling.

And my teacher told us
That we were the sapling.
That middle school planted our roots
And now we would grow.

I've always wanted to ask her:
If a tree falls in a forest
Does anybody care?

Because we made plenty of sound.
The thing is, we didn't even get to be trees.
Trees are strong and durable. We?
We were but brittle branches.

Branches that got stomped on,
Swung around,
Smashed into things,
And at the end of the day attempted to gather all the pieces
To try again.

To go into a flock of wolves
Disguised as a harmless sheep.
We didn't like being wolves.
We weren't feral. At least, not at first.

Soon, the sticks wanted stones to break the tree's bones,
And I'm not saying it was right,
But it was how we felt!

More than anything,
We felt alone.

In a world so full of love,
We were being taught to hate.
Even still, some of us tried to leave that lesson
At the door. But a few of us?

A few of us didn't even make it that far.
We couldn't.
Under the weight of it all, we just collapsed.
This time, we made no sound.

And still, nobody cared. If they'd
Cared, it wouldn't have come as such a
To them.


Some of us got back up. And some of us still do.
The world doesn't let us grow to be trees
So we have learned to blossom.

And even though flowers may not live as long
As trees, or grow as high, as strong as trees,
Despite all of these supposed flaws, if given the choice
Right now, any one of those trees would rather
Look down at a flower
Than up at each other.

Trees may last longer, grow taller, see the sun more often.
But flowers?
Despite trees blocking out the light,
Stealing precious nutrients,
And doing everything in their power to tower over us,
With as little sunlight as possible,
Flowers are still
My first piece of spoken word poetry. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
-Sam Ciel

©Sam Ciel
Sam Ciel Dec 2019

My heart
Is breaking
But it can be repaired

My soul
Is weeping
For all the times we shared

My mind
Is shaking
Now that we are done


My life
Will still
Go on

And maybe one day
When the skies aren't grey
And we've gone our ways
And the darkness fades

Maybe one day when my heart beats new
And my soul sings too,
And my mind is fine
That's when I'll meet you.

Maybe one day
Maybe one day
Maybe one day
We'll meet
No edits.

Keep writing.

— The End —