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ryn Aug 2017
Captured by a fence,
carried by the wind.
Helpless yet steadfast.
Strong yet graceful.

Almost billowing like a flag.
Celebrating triumph
amidst a sea of losses and destruction.

A stark reminder of what used to belong.
Of better times where colours were abundant.
And people loved better...

This crimson red...
Now only flails,
hard as it can afford.
Entangled by a lone barb.

Caught firmly in place but
forever fighting the oppressor that holds.
ryn Aug 2017
I'm in my place.
A tiny space I've claimed for myself.

Though I share this spot,
right now it's mine.

With the door latched shut,
I leave the disorderly world,
just an arm-span away.

In my makeshift asylum,
I still hear calls from the outside.
Beckoning and inviting me into
the unrelenting foray...
Pointless skirmishes,
and mistimed altercations.

When all I want is...
To be alone; be empty
and devoid of unruly thoughts in my husk.
Because in the rare silence,
I desperately seek peace.

Peace with my past.
Peace with myself.
So I don't eat myself whole.
Because my world still needs me.
ryn Aug 2017
A box was opened today...

It had hidden invisible things I had not dared to fathom.
It locked in demons I've held at bay.

I see them now...
Callousness behind kind words.
Animosity muttered under muffled breaths.
Malice laced with every smile.

I was blind.
Or was it that I had conveniently chosen not to see?

Was I not intuitive?
Or was I indifferent?

The second had struck past...
I am now crestfallen.

The box is now open.
And I am haunted.
ryn Aug 2017
I'm slipping...

Winds from the past had blown hard.
Heavy clouds have returned.
Bearing gifts of broken shards,
memories discarded and mementos burnt.

I'm falling...

Footfalls fail as they sink in clay.
Fingers tremble as they grab at nothing.
The words are lost and the voice couldn't say.
The pills seem to have stopped working.

I'm regressing...

Into an all familiar territory.
A place I thought I had left far behind.
But I feel reconnected to a mirrored me.
The part I've missed since a new state of mind.

ryn Aug 2017
pry the night sky open

let bathe the earth in subtle light

pry open the doors to my heart

let love spread with surety and might

ryn Aug 2017
        Labyrinth in my head...
Set in heavy stone.            
Brightens not,                      
           siphons instead.
The dark gnawing                        
at skin and bone.

Labyrinth in my heart...          
Rerouting purpose
and derailing reason.            
              I'm together but pulled apart.
            I've won most days...
But today I'm beaten.                
ryn Aug 2017
I've no solutions
Just questions with no answers
I'm at my wits' end
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