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757 · Feb 2019
Climate Change
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
Don't stop now, Ireland is
just beginning to warm up.

Imagine, an Irish Riviera,
a Costa Brava, an Algarve.

Olives, Cotton, Oranges,  all
thanks to carbon emissions.

Don't stop now, it is a form
of weather discrimination.

Welcome to Ulster where the
red hand of Lucifer awaits you.
748 · Oct 2018
Get to the point.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
The compass nib
of an inner circle,
hub zone, equator
of London, watch
tower, lark views,
sky news, blue hues.

Hypotenuse, better
than all the squares!

            /   \

  You Are Here

726 · Feb 2019
Viagra Brexit.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
The rise and fall of the
political tides on both
sides of the house is a
sure sign that there is
now a potential for a
****** Brexit, which of
course can only mean,
that we are all ******!
722 · Aug 2018
Interdit en France.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018

   Banning the burka,
   dust masks, motor
cycle helmets, welders,
Phantom of the Opera,
Alcoholics Anonymous,
The Lone Ranger, Zorro,
Batman and Condoms.
Head covers are illegal.
even the small head!

La France, quelle liberté?
690 · Mar 2019
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
Today I saw a sign in a
town called Cahirsiveen
County Kerry, advertising
what appeared to be, Sive.

I sieved my thoughts, and
what came through the fine
mesh of my mind were the
filings of amnesia.

Earlier, I had passed by Glencar
the foothills en route to Valencia
an island off Ireland, last stop
before New York harbour.

Hugh O' Flaherty, The Vatican
Pimpernel was looking at me
through James Joyce's glasses as
I passed Daniel O'Connell's church.

It was O'Connell country for sure,
****, a native of the island could
share the ball with O'Dwyer and
Paudie O'Se, the three coasters.

Balinskelligs, monks Islands,
isolation, invasion, inhospitable
weather, antarctic insurmountable's,
Inis, Inn's, Inch, Tom Crean, Fungie.

I sieved my sievings only to discover
that Sive was by John B Keane, but
guess what, the Queen of the Kingdom
should be Miriam O'Callaghan!


This is a poem with a colloquial
flavour, one needs to be a native
to comprehend it.
661 · Apr 2019
Échafaudages d'incendie.
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2019
The Scaffolding at Notre Dame is like
a rib cage of The Phoenix rising from
ashes in a secular state of Macronism.

Banning the Hijab, Yellow Vests and
thought, has brought the wrath of
Karma on the French Colonialists.

Yemen, Syria. Libya and all her recent
excursions into the realms of a lost empire
is the price they must now pay for Greenpeace.

Nobody give a **** about you France.
657 · Oct 2021
Reverse Haiku
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2021
no lights are required

               on the trailers of hindsight

cats eyes never blink


now read up ^ ^
not backwards
line by line as
normal, but up.
653 · Oct 2019
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2019
I was somewhere close to
the border between Armagh
and Monaghan, lost of course.

I saw a sign that indicated GMT,
which I confused with GPS, there
was a Gnome beside it, pointing.

I took his advice, kept on driving,
came to a X roads where someone
had written, BreXit this way, no arrow.

I was bolixed, DUPed by a *******
blue nosed Gnome, a Leprechaun
would not be near as mischievous.

Out of fuel, well after midnight,
Halloween to boot, no choice but
remain, yet, all I wanted was to leave.


Show me the way to go Gnome
is a metaphorical analogy which
attempts to explain N.Ireland.
653 · Oct 2020
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2020
Curfew dogs pay no
heed to black sheep

Darkness differentiation
derides no delegates

Church bells silence
testicular pendulums

Hands semaphore -
timeless clock towers

Shadowless alleys
cat controlled kerbs

Embers doused, ashen
Phoenix faces cindered

Light rationed through
ill fitting shutters

Charred wood remnants
wafting weightlessly

Whispering eavesdrops
cobblestone chattering

Town crier echoing in
mnemonic mutterings

A rising intonation
dies on rebound, silence.


Lockdown |ˈlɒkdaʊn|
nounN. Amer.
the confining of prisoners to their cells, typically in order to regain control during a riot. the lockdown has been in effect since October 1983.
• a state of isolation or restricted access instituted as a security
measure: the university is on lockdown and nobody has been able to leave.
Curfew |ˈkəːfjuː|
a regulation requiring people to remain indoors between specified hours, typically at night: a dusk-to-dawn curfew | [ mass noun ] : the whole area was immediately placed under curfew.
• the hour designated as the beginning of a curfew. [ mass noun ] : to be abroad after curfew without permission was to risk punishment.
• the daily signal indicating the beginning of a curfew: they had to return before the curfew sounded.
649 · Sep 2018
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
It is where I went,
when the pubs closed.

Just by the bridge was
weir, noisy, but I tolerated
the river in all her moods.

At least, while the effects
of the Guinness lingered.

There, was a sense of freedom,
something I never possessed.

Even the driftwood was going
somewhere and I not capable
of going home.

White swans came by when the
town slept, cautiously moving
on the still pools at the opposite

Envious of such serenity,
I questioned, their reason,
for coming up the Blackwater,
when the pubs closed!
The River Blackwater flows through
Mallow in County Cork Ireland. It
is where I used to go when I was in
an opiated stupor after a gallon of
Guinness while I was serving my
alcoholic apprenticeship in the 70s.
648 · Dec 2018
Anti Seismic
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
I'm anti seismic,
******* frackers
causing all the
turbulence in our

Greedy capitalist
racist xenophobes
sitting on the fault
line threatening their

If a tsunami in The
Mediterranean came
ashore and submerged
their ill gotten gains, I'd
be converted & pro seismic.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2021­urnames-205033?utmsource=newsletter&utmmedium=email&utm_campaign=trending

No N Word Irish Or Kerry Blues.

No tinkers horses without shoes
No N word Irish or Kerry Blues
And we thought those days were gone
Has Brexit exit brought it on
We’re vaccinated, don’t you know
And we’ve got passports just to show

Pontin Pontin by the sea
This is where I want to be

We’re not contagious anymore
The ***** Irish is now folklore
We’ve had enough of the Irish jokes
I’m on the list, because I’m Stokes
Black Paddy Black Paddy you got no hope
Even if you were the Pope.

Pontin Pontin by the sea
This is where I want to be

Michael O’Leary is to blame
Before Ryan Air, none of you came
Now the Paddies are takin over
Green and Orange on the Cliffs of Dover
No tinkers horses without shoes
No N word Irish or Kerry Blues


Pontin Pontin by the sea
This is where I want to be


Pontin Pontin by the sea
This is where I want to be


Pontin Pontin by the sea
This is where I want to be

Ryan O'Leary
3rd March 2021.
641 · Apr 2019
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2019
Stop the Brexit Messi

That is the problem
with exclamation marks
when they are inversed.
629 · Oct 2018
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
Peter Schiff has sounded
the alarm bells, the crash
is eminent and dollars are
going to make no sense.

Invest in Irish Butter, it is
the best and safest way to
spread your wealth, even
on toast, no meltdown.

Cheddar No Shredder, is
the motto in Tralee, where
the Paddy's are a smiling with
their Guinness and their Ghee.

For Isabella Guinness.
619 · Jan 2019
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
432 was the amount
of a crushing defeat
for 202 Toe Rags.

432 is a symbolic figure
for Ireland and not a
poetic metaphor either,
it was the date St Patrick
arrived here from Boulogne
Sur Mer in Northern France,
where it was a tradition of the
local mariners to paint a shamrock
on their fishing boats.

432 has often been associated with
the 4 provinces and 32 counties.

John B. Keane's "Field" was 3 Acres
1 Rood and 32 Perches, a classic
representation of Ireland.

202, or TOT will become iconic also,
not as a number, more the word!


TOT  |tɒt|
verb (tots, totting, totted) [ no obj. ] (usu. as nountotting) Brit. informal
salvage saleable items from dustbins or ******* heaps. local authorities frown on totting.
614 · Dec 2018
Chick Hennessy.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
I had an Irish chicken
in France, found her on
the road at Killavullen,
near Mallow close to the
Cognac Brandy family
ancestral home, which
is called Bally Mac Moy.

Had it been a ****, I
would have christened
him " Mac Poule ".
I was driving from
Mallow, in Ireland,
to France via Wexford.
For a change, I went
by the river Blackwater
which passes as the foot
of Bally Mac Moy house.
There was a hen on the road,
and sure, why no bag her and
take her to France, I thought.
What was odd, I went via
Bordeaux, passed by Cognac
where Hennessy (the Irish family)
have a distillery. Can you imagine,
if I went in and met Frederique,
Bonjour Monsieur, J'ai trouve votre
poule proche Le Pont de Killavullen!
598 · Nov 2018
The Rebel County.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2018
I think what will give me away,
(now that I am back in Cork) after
almost 50 years, is not my accent,
but Barry's Tea, I rebelled, now I
am a 100% Illy Arabica supporter,
the red colour is all right though!
Cork in Ireland is known
as The Rebel County.
The colours are red and white,
" Blood and Bandage "
590 · Nov 2023
Kike'd Out
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2023
On the gates of Hell

   Satan put up a sign.


  Meanwhile in Heaven

    God’s graffiti reads.

     ****** IS HERE
586 · Jan 2023
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2023
. |’ts About Time
nOw, the permanent is,

is a trapped pendulum

between N and W for

an eternity, so accept

that your future will

always be present and

if past experiences have

not enlightened one to

this phenomenon then

the ***** will make

absolutely no sense.
583 · Jul 2022
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2022
I ask myself, why do crows

build nests in the same tree

year after year,

I would never even presume

to ask why trees continue

to live in the same forest

Or why, when women meet

with similar dresses they are

always in the same place

Safety always seeks same,

change always courts courage,

wisdom always warrants difference.
577 · May 2019
Meet The O'Byrnes
Ryan O'Leary May 2019
On the poster, outside Aldi, it
states that the O'Byrnes family
saved 347 Euros this month.

What was not mentioned, is,
Mrs O'Byrne who is known
to the Police, is a seasoned
shoplifter, she has been banned
from Dunne's Stores, Tesco and
more recently, at Lidl on The Park.

A Spokesperson for Aldi has
acknowledged that The O’Byrnes
were actually caught in the act
with 347 Euros of product, but
rather than prosecute, they opted
for the benefits from advertising.

The O’Byrnes have moved their
operation and are now shopping
a Dan O’Mahony’s riverside store.

I met them there yesterday.
570 · Dec 2021
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2021
Crows have just arrived,
hundreds of them on wires
such a delight, some decorate
skeletal branches, light follows
they disappear, not everything
about darkness is daunting.
564 · Dec 2018
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
Generally referred to, as
the shortest day, but we
prefer to call it the longest
night, here in North Cork.

Because where I live, in the
town of Mallow, on the river
Blackwater, The Milky Way
passes directly over our house!


It was from here, last century
on the bridge, that the cow
was seen, jumping over the (
539 · Jul 2018
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
While I am lingering
for the Pizza, would
mind bringing me a
bottle of waiter please.
Doppio, is a Pizza place where
you will never be served. It is
in The Luberon, Provence.
Ryan O'Leary May 2021
A sacrilegious act of gross desecration
akin to genital exposure in a Christian
Church, is walking into a Mosque with
boots and guns during Ramadan prayer.

Not an act associated with the oppressed.
Take Maori, Aborigine or Native Americans,
observe their composure, but you, the Jew,
you have no such serenity of spirit, why?

Why do you force feed your holocaust?
Why do you need to insist that we believe?
Why are you making denial a crime?
We all know why, that’s what bothers you.
534 · Dec 2022
Motion Emotion
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2022
A gear box is a typical example of time.
there are many forward gears, a neutral position,
but only one reverse.

When we drive we are in the present looking to the future
but only occasionally refer to the past via the rear view mirror.
If we accidentally put the box in reverse while we are going forward the cogs will protest.

If we could apply this aspect of mechanics to the mind
we would discover that all movements of transmission
must pass through the neutral position.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2021
Am                            G
Ripples are echoes, for those who can't hear
Am                                    G
thunder has light-ning, to tell them its near
Am                                G
The moon is an echo, for no sun in the sky
Am                     G
day is an echo, for night that is why

Am                              G
Guitar’s are in echo, when they are strum
Am                      G
voices respond, re-sounding the hum
Am                               G
Shadows are echoes, at NOON they’re alone
Am                                   G
but the word it reflects, so its called palindrome

Am                                     G
Trains they make echoes, in tunnels with *****
Am                                     G
and though it’s but one, they call them two hoots
Am                           G
A bell has an echo, when ringing the news
Am                            G
anvils have echoes, when horses wear shoes

Am                                  G
Rainbows have echoes, in pots at each end
Am                       G
who was it said, that sunbeams can't bend
Am                           G
Lighthouses flash, with echoes in Morse
Am                                G
for posh sailing boats, and not Viking Norse

Am                            G
A bow has an echo, with a wow at the end
Am                            G
one midnight bark, starts setting a trend
Am                             G
A dream is an echo, of what we once did
Am                   G
hid in a bottle, behind Jeannie’s lid

Am                                    G                
Our words in the ether, will never meet
Am                            G
that’s why an echo, can never cheat
Am                           G
My echo my echo, is loneliest of all
Am                                  G
that’s why they listen, at my wailing wall

Am                                 G
Heartbeats are echoes, like yours and like mine
Am                              G
that’s why this song, must end with a pine.


        Am                       G
        Echo all echoes, are art on the wall,
        Am                                G
        must be the sadd-est, sounds of them all
        Am                       G
        Echo all echoes, are art on the wall
        Am                               G
        must be the sadd-est, sounds of them all
        Am                       G
        Echo all echoes, are art on the wall,
        Am                                G
        must be the sadd-est, sounds of them all.

Ryan O'Leary ©
527 · Jun 2018
Visible to the World.
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2018
If I was asked to put
the world right, here
is what I would do.

I would remove the
equator, it should not
have been put there.

It’s as insignificant as
Egalite, in the French
trilogy of 1789, or the

white peace chevron
on Irelands flag between
the green and the orange.

Cork stops, the Atlantic
Ocean flooding our planet,
I would give Ireland an award.

Finally, I would ban the use
of le, la, une and un, in the
French language, ils sont sexistes.



Bon Matin Tout Monde (without the LE)
526 · Dec 2022
----New Years Wish*----
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2022
.                  The Firm.

    The stiff, the taut and the firm,

   unyielding unbending uncaring.

    Maligning of Meghan, Palace

     escape goat, sins of empire

       came back to haunt them.

       Di and Dye, the indelible

        stains of a royal banner.

         Remove *The Harp, we

             want no part of it.

Ryan O'Leary. 31st Dec 2022
521 · Aug 2018
Agent Orange™
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
Who made the Orange,
for Uncle Sam.
The 60,000,000* litres,
they dropped on Vietnam?

It wasn't made, in the
United States!
So where, pray tell,
this mystery grates??

A clue for you, no
suspense, I'll keep,
It's a country, with as
many, litres* as sheep!

It's where they love to tell
you, that it is clean and
green, but it is far from that,
I know, I've been.

They were last, in the
world, to ban DDT.
They are xenophobic,
Pacific POMS, with a Zea.


No © Please Plagiarise
this poem, spread it like
slurry on the streets.

Kiwi's have just banned
foreigners from buying
property in New Zealand.

They have no rights there,
it is Maori land, Maoris are
treated like 2nd class citizens.
Well, Have you solved the riddle?
If so, bet that surprised you. It is
a country riddled with cancer, do
not even contemplate visiting it.
The water table is seriously
contaminated with carcinogenic's.

"" Health Warning ""

Ps. I have serious health issues
as a result of visiting New Zealand.

Please down load and send to as many
people as you can. Boycott New Zealand.
517 · Feb 2021
Vax Populi
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2021
Musk Rat at Bill's Gates
Big Pharma, Big Brothers sister
ordered pest control
510 · May 2021
Ryan O'Leary May 2021
Gaza is the piece of a
jigsaw puzzle from a
box with a photo that
has been purposely
mutilated to prevent
it being put together.
508 · Jul 2019
Lie, Low.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2019
Whispering in company
is bad manners, unless
it is 'bless me father for
I have sinned' that's fine.

At a barbecue, where all
the neighbours attended,
she told me, I can't stand
this place, so basic.

I should never have come
back, but dare I say that,
first chance I get, I'm off to
Kerry, no small talk there.
508 · Aug 2019
Scone of Stone
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
A scone of stone is of
course so stale and gone
off by the time you bite
into it, that your teeth chip.

But this only ever happens
to dyslexics or those who
suffer from palindrome.

The reason is, the above
title is backwards and should
be the Stone of Scone.

Which was the stone of destiny
at Edinburgh Castle where
Scotland's Monarchs were crowned.
507 · Nov 2021
bi-lingual haiku
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2021
tongue dripping rabid

                            saliva on window pane

le chien noir d’hiver
492 · Feb 2019
Adam & Leave.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
If one were to use a metaphor
for Brexit, no better place than
The Garden of England to begin,
partly, because of logo centricity .

One might be accused of telling
yet another Kent of a story and
of course the emphasis on ***,
yet, we all know it was a cherry.

So, what is the real reason for
Leaves seduction and to whom can
we attribute this act of persuasion?

Another question one might ask,
is who was the actual snake in
the grass?

It is time for us all to Forage,
only 50 days to find the answer.

But lets not overlook the Do Ron
Ron, because he Came, and left!

That is a contradiction in literary
terms, due to Leave, being the verb,

Which became the 'Present' of The
Do Ron Ron's two past participles.

This May all sound as if it could be
resolved by the semantical logic

Of the English language, indeed it
could, were it not for The Irish Question,

Which has not yet been answered
despite it being posed some 800 years ago.

But when one considers, that The Shamrock,
Irelands answer to Punk Rock, has 3 Leaves

And the Paddies have been making sense of it
since the year 432 ad by way of 17 March.

Why is it, will you tell me, that the English can't
even seem to manage, one, lousy, solitary, Leave !!
491 · Jun 2019
Mind The Gap
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2019
Jim Kelly inherited the land
from his parents, who, may
I add, were model farmers.

Jim is making no hand of it,
sometimes the cows are not
milked until late, they cry.

The gate rusted out, hinges
of bailing twine, his solution
was to block it with a hay bale.

This morning I met the herd
on the road outside the milking
parlour, they ate their way out.
488 · Oct 2023
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2023
The difference between  

   Judaism and Islam is            

  that Israelis are septic

   and Palestinians are

481 · Feb 2019
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
Philistine & Palestine
not talking though, so
it's a similar situation
as the Ire-Lands, also
set up by Palace Stein.
480 · Nov 2018
Mocean : noun
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2018
The sensation of movement
caused by a vast body of
water under the hull of our
vessel which is currently a
cradle being rocked by the
hand that rules the waves.
06:54 some nine hours
out of Cork en route
from Santander in Spain.
12th Nov 2018.
477 · Aug 2024
I Met Banksy
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2024
I met Banksy at an
AA meeting during
Covid lockdown he
Was no different to
Any of the rest of
Us, wearing a mask.

He was anonymous,
I recognised him at
The end, when he
Said ‘’who you see
Here, what you hear
Here, when you leave
Here, let it stay here’’.

It was Pont Street
In London, then he
Headed off towards
Beau Champ Place
But he knew he was
Being tailed, he gave
Me the slip, a sly one
Up at Sloane Square.
471 · Feb 2019
De Voted
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
Angela Smith has been
de voted, no, not to,
but by, her constituents.

So she should, all of
them in fact, this is a
pro semite conspiracy.

Indeed, Just as Corbyn
pulled Labour neck in
neck with the Toe Rags.

"Stand down, stand
down, stand down-
  for your wrongs"
470 · Jul 2023
Ukraine $ucks
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2023
Ukraine $ucks

    A chosen one has come to

    lead Bandera’s ****’s who

   Azov now are circumcised,

    the end of their pork tails.

   Ben Wallace said Ukraine

   is a parasite leech *******

   everything from the NATO.

466 · Feb 2019
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
               *** Holes.

     Due to an Imperforate
        **** at birth, I was
     circumcised by our Irish
   family doctor in a surgical
          error, apparently.

       In light of the horrific
   genocide in Gaza I have
      become victim of anti-
       semitism at my local
      swimming pool/sauna.

     Therefore, I am looking
   for a donor and will accept
    anything that resembles a
  sixty three year old *******
providing is is not too big-oted !
465 · Oct 2019
12th Day of Brexmess
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2019
Jungle bells are ringing out
across the nation, Boris is to
play Santa Claws this year,
so, reinforce your stockings.

Corbyn is going to be Scrooge
in The Christmas Carol, hoping
to cook Johnson's goose which
he will share with the hungry.

Arlene Foster will be filling
the empty pies with minced
words which are to be served in
Bowler Hats avec blue berries.

Sturgeon is going to Hog as
Many votes as possible while
the rest are gorging to the Pogues
Fairytale of New York & London.

The Lib-Dems have an anthem
by Jo Swine Song about spit
roasting a Pig in the stocks
outside Downing St. Syndrome.

The Greens are looking for this
years largest Cucumber which
they have decided to stuff. They
have declined to say where.

Cymru Plaid's have decided to
make woollen scarves for the
homeless Corgi's after the Queen
is evicted from Buckingham Palace.

Nigh Gel Farage is going to
lubricate a Tusk and shove it up
Barnier's (( in the presence of
Jean Claude Coke Nose Junkier.
462 · Oct 2023
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2023
.  If God decided that Jews

      were the chosen ones

     by selecting 6,000,000.

   That must definitely mean

     they were of no use in

Heaven, hence sent to Hell.
459 · Aug 2022
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2022
.                 H
       A N X I E T Y

One day at a time

                       works well for alcoholics

’til they get sober
458 · Jul 2019
Meteor O'Logical
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2019
Ireland used to be west of
England, now we are east
of America.

As for the EU, we have
retained our feet & inches,
but coffee is midway between
tepid water and stained cups.

Our weather is worse, but,
enjoy, and, have a nice day,
helped make meteorological
forecasts, less, of a national

Food evolvement is an antonym
of palatial development.

Greed has replaced need and
time is no longer measured by
tick tock, no latter, just tick tick.

Waste not want not, suggests
by the filth one finds on the
roadside, that poverty has
been completely eradicated.

We are a ***** nation and now
that I am back, all I missed in
my absence, were the Crows.


The effect of this poem on me
personally, will be no different
than a blind man throwing a
Boomerang at himself.
456 · Jan 2021
Indy Ref
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2021
The difference between a
Corgi and a Kilt is that one
does not need to lift a Kilt
to see if a Corgi's got *****.
455 · Aug 2018
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
Forking soup from a
bowl is not a Spoonerism.

Forking a waitress on
the able is!
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