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I emerge from the cocoon of your chilled form with music in my knowing smile. My heart blossoms and beats without restraint. There is a sweetness to the air I cannot place, an electricity, tangible on the stirring breeze. My eyes lift to the heavens, grateful for the lack of salt that has marred their vision for so many years. I am all. I am everything caught whirling in this softening glow, this haze of glory mine to keep for all lifetimes that pass in the blink of wondered eyes. I embrace the morning with a love unfettered and know that she is mine. This is freedom.
Woke up with a grin, being single is better that being miserable....took a while but I get that now. Onwards and upwards! :-)
 Oct 2014 Ryan Jakes
At the end
of the path
to the top
of the hill
through cloud
and the crowds
coming down
from it still
to the
twinkling stars
lit by
neon below
in the dusk
as a rust
coloured moon
says 'hello'
and rests
on his back
with me
at the end
of the path
on the world
we both see.
Trends come and go,
friends remain forever.
Friendship transcends love.
Family, are genetically bonded.
Friends, are experience bonded.
Both are needed, both are loved.
Family and friends both pay dividends.
Richer to be loved by friends that become family,
than hated by family that pretend to love.
This is for Calpurnia (my friend of 29 years) Never, ever ask me that question again, or I will hunt you down, no wait I have your address!
00:32 BST
 Sep 2014 Ryan Jakes
When I was a toddler my Dad brought you home
a sweet little ball of grey fur
You'd spent the whole day sleeping tight in his pocket
and greeted the warmth with a purr.
Dad wanted a smoke, so he ducked down an alley
where the boys from the boss they would hide
he noticed a bag on the floor slowly rustling
and found you abandoned inside.
You sweet little kitten, blue eyes widely staring
won over my dad with your pitiful plea
So he cuddled and smuggled you home after hours
as a companion for 3 year old me.
Now 12 years have passed and your grey fur has faded
and sleep is your only desire
I watch your eyes fade as you struggle to see me
they tell me that now is your time.
So I'll wrap you up warm in your best knitted blanket
and cuddle you close to my heart
My Hobo, my buddy, my trusty companion
It's time for your soul to depart.
My cat Hobo died last night. I'm so grateful to him for all the love he gave me.
Once I offered you my heart, knowing it was too bruised, too ugly to meld with your imperfect soul. You looked at it with eyes that spoke of dark horizons less travelled and handed it back with trembling caution, too mindful of the searing pain caused by it's many shards. I loved you then, as I do now, though the mention of such things is forbidden within our tight circle of two. I fear your loss as I fear myself, fully and without caution, though now only your traces remain as friendship flounders upon the utterances of my foolish mouth.
The room felt shallow
time expanded and contracted with rapid blinks
shallow breaths became the fuse to my dynamite heart.
Struggling to avoid emotion
I flounder, slow motion roaming
to fast forward endings
pressure builds as fear blooms
it's dark petals clouding my vision
as my lungs beg for light.
First panic attack in ages, ****** horrid things.
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