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William A Poppen
88/M/Tennessee    William Poppen is retired and spends most of his time writing poems, taking photos, and walking daily.
Joel M Frye
Jurassic Park, FL    Remember me through poetry: These words and those I wrote before. Remember not the man, for he's Much less, and certainly no more. "Always the …
Rachael Stainthorpe
Huddersfield    Just bleeding words
Pansexual Witty Open Minded Mushy Loving Rythmatic
Feedback is always appreciated, thank you for reading. My blog :
Vijayalakshmi Harish
Armchair philosopher. Intellectual spiritualist. "Masterchef" of my kitchen. Lover of Life. Writer. A Student of Life Forever. All poems posted here …
Roberta Day
30/F/Austin, Tx    I write my feelings because I'm unsure of everything else.
SunValley    The skeleton at the feast is
CA Guilfoyle
F/Tucson, AZ    Being in nature and the wilds, this is my truest love. - My Poetry on Thru Media CA Guilfoyle aka CA Colbert
I am a writer of all types from dark to humour though it is my childrens poetry that has been turned into interactive books on …
CH Gorrie
San Diego, California    I like writing. My literary journal, Synesthesia, accepts submissions year round. We are looking for poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, essays, editorials, drama, visual art, …
Anon C
35/F/Virginia    I walked into the light, only to find it was darker than my nightmares. I found the golden city; it had been black all along.
Danny S
A transcendentalist. I believe people are intrinsically good. I believe we are all moving toward something in our lives. I love this world and its …
Alicia D Clarke
A seventeen year old girl, just trying to find herself. I love writing. I use poetry as an outlet. Not just any outlet, I use …
Kristian Alexander George
26/Other/Spiritual Infinity, θεός    Gender Fluid.
Oli Nejad
UK    Oli is a Creative Writing Graduate and MA Professional Writing student at Falmouth Uni. In the early morning, he's been known to gravitate towards coffee …
Caitlin Drew
California    Having no coordination and a general disregard for spatial relations results in Caitlin falling fast and hard for everything she does. There's a lack of …
New York, New York    Doctoral candidate at Columbia University
N N Johnson
34/RI, United States    Dancer, writer, teacher, student.
Tom Orr
UK    To abandon oneself to principles is really to die - and to die for an impossible love which is the contrary of love.

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