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521 · Dec 2019
Heart beat for you
rpmspoet Dec 2019
I never knew till the day I flew
Watching the sunrise as it grew
Made my heart beat for you
305 · Dec 2019
Sunset Dies
rpmspoet Dec 2019
green, blue, heavenly
red watching the sunset as
colors bled out dead
you can follow me on instagram at @rpmspoet
211 · Dec 2019
The Rose
rpmspoet Dec 2019
the rose of thorns
to hurt may bleed
the petals idle to
the blood of envy
207 · Feb 2022
Save The Music
rpmspoet Feb 2022
The sounds of you makes me wanna fly
But the system is trying to **** you bringing you closer to your demise
But together we’ll stand
A make sure you survive
My High School (Sherwood) in the state of Maryland is right now fighting not only to keep are music program but are 50 year tradition of ROCK’N ROLL REVIVAL if you want to help please either go to my instagram bio and sign the petition or share this post
172 · Dec 2019
Who you are
rpmspoet Dec 2019
What we are does not define are bars
Per written prophecies made to be broken apart we define are self’s on the status quo but that doesn’t have to be who we are take those bars an throw them far for we are who we are
164 · Dec 2019
rpmspoet Dec 2019
future, focus let
me out can't seem to scream no
not even a shout
my instagram is @rpmspoet
109 · Dec 2019
rpmspoet Dec 2019
Hidden from the talents of his own blood  they smear his hope just like footsteps in mud he knew he differed by the age of 3 when dreams became a reality the haunting images of a darker kind but they were only found inside of his mind he’d try to speak but something made him scream defeat perhaps it was him longing to fit in that cursed his life with the passion of a knife holding him hostage and the ******* that held him together couldn’t acknowledge that he wanted to be free but with free comes a fee that for shore will take his life forever more
but something had him by the core holding him on by a thread laying him back on his bed forcing him to take his meds he begs for his legs to work with his mind an run cause 15 years of being done  is no fun for the mind that holds the loaded gun and the one who perches form the hell of help is the nun of pressured youth and those who stand in line at the booth wondering when there chance to be allowed in society won’t bring them brutality

— The End —