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 Sep 2014 Robyn
 Sep 2014 Robyn
All I wish to do,
Is put what's between us
Into prose.

But sometimes,
It's too ******* special
For words to come close to,
Or to share.
There's a lot to it,
But it's all ours.
 Sep 2014 Robyn
Rain Whispers
 Sep 2014 Robyn
It's raining outside. Of course
It's raining outside, it always
Rains here.

The drops rasp on the skylight;
They streak down the windows,
Clinging onto
               the glass, praying not to hit
                              the ground.

Hitting on the glass, the ticky-tack
Drip-drop pitter-patter paradiddle
Resounds in my mind.

I hear it, the rain, but not the rain.
I hear it, your voice.

The way you laugh, your rises and
falls, your tiny snorts, your aghast
gasps and sounds of speech.

Your lips parting and pursing, your
Tongue weaving a song, breath
Sounding and resounding
               with the rise and fall of your
                              chest, heavy with tender love.

The deep gray refracted in the water
Is so friendly, so inviting, when it
Speaks with your gentle voice.

It's raining outside, and I would bet
It's raining on you too. Maybe even,
The whispers in the rain,

Sound like me
to you.
 Sep 2014 Robyn
Train cars clack by me on tracks,
A steady rhythm
Each one a crashing indecision.

I'd like to ride up on those cars,
With a backpack
And my one special jazzy guitar;

I want to live like the homeless do,
See the world;
Gain amazing outside experience.

But that's a little out there, eh,
Lets get back
To something better:

I want to end up with this one girl,
A Kindergarten teacher
Waking up to her every morning.

I want to be something like a writer,
Something worth life
Not just problems and equations:

I love to read and process words with
Her head resting
Softly, safely, in my lap.

But I'm tied down by deep blue veins,
Needles sticking out;
Tied down by pills taken all the time. . .

I don't want to rely on medications just
To simply live,
To have them be the death of me.

I want to live the life I want, and not worry
About just living.
 Sep 2014 Robyn
Liliana Jaworska
If the kiss lasted through all eternity
I would become the ocean of your breaths.
 Sep 2014 Robyn
His card opens and closes, singing
Happy Birthday to him in the
Other room. He's six today.

I walk over to him, as he sits
In the darkness;
The hanging air as black as his skin.
I sit next to him in a hug:
"What's up kiddo?"
He replies with, "I like the singing"
But underneath the words, all
I hear is his voice from days ago,
"I don't like my skin. It makes me --


"I like the singing too, how about
We go play with your new Legos?"
His face lights up with a brightness
Only his dark tone could contain.
"Let's do it big brother!"
I tell him I love him.
I tell him I think he's beautiful.

His six short years, filled with more
Pain than I'll ever know.

I'm just glad he's mine.
Happy birthday Chisomo
 Sep 2014 Robyn
oh me oh my
 Sep 2014 Robyn
oh me oh my
you listen.

when he tells you

when he tells you

when he tells you

when he tells you

you listen.
because im your father, and you have to respect your parents. you're just 16, you don't know anything. you won't succeed, you'll be just like your druggy brother, your other drop out brother. you're just like my bipolar ex fiance, that's the kind of stuff she would pull, you know better. you don't need that medicine, just get over it. you're going to hell for believing in that, you don't know any better, you're just 16. you are so disrespectful to sit there and talk back to me. you're wrong, wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong, im always right, you're only 16, you don't know anything. youll grow out of it, you need to do better, you need to try harder, you'll never amount to anything. you need to stop, you need to listen, you need to think. why are you crying because i raised my voice to get my point across, you weren't listening, you should've known better, you need to hear the truth. you need to get your act together, you're 16. you don't need to say things like that, you don't need to go there, you can tell them you can't go, you're only 16.
 Sep 2014 Robyn
 Sep 2014 Robyn
This house is haunted.
Not like black, running with blood haunted,
But like a grey tinge, a missing of something ---

The walls are dead trees,
The lights are like white lifeless faces.
The world is a colourless kind of beautiful,
The black bough the red petal faces appear on
At the metro.

This house is haunted.
Not with ghosts or spirits. Not with creaks, but silence;
Not cold shivers, but an utter lack of; Not
Full of things that shouldn't be but
Instead lacking, missing what should
Be in the space you don't occupy.

This house is haunted,
By the silence your footsteps
Don't create.
It's such a dead
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