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I've got an anorexic heart

And a bulimic mind
I'm one ****** up person.
We had a silent goodbye, 
Just merely weeks ago 
So I thought I'd make it more official.

Goodness gracious I loved you, hold on I still do so very much that my heart still aches when I think about you. 
But eh it's just my heart, it's a tad bit silly.
But thank you, for showing me the true definition of Love and friendship.
You taught me so much, I mean I kinda know some abbreviations like "wbu", and other weird ones teens use.
Thank you for being my rock and my best friend in the entire World, for showing me happiness beyond recognisable words.
Thank you for just being you, Gosh you're amazing, funny, and just downright beautiful and I don't just mean it on the outside but on the inside as well. 
We've been through some really great great things, the memories will forever be cherished, I swear each picture, each conversation whether good or bad will stay locked in my heart, in a secret place only reserved for you and just you.
On the other note, sigh I am so sorry for being selfish and stupid, I messed our friendship up and **** I regret it a lot. 
But **** I just I'm so sorry for what I did really I am.
But you know what, I wish you all the best and that you're happy, cos God knows how much I want that for you. 
Hey maybe this isn't goodbye or anything maybe it's a I'll catch you later alligator, after a while crocodile type of thing. 
I hope you see this, it's the only place I get to at least do something for you.
I love you and hey stay swagged up Homie :)
All the pills you said made you my friend...
Are memories and scars in the parts noone sees...
You value yourself like a billionare values a dollar....
I see you like a homeless person sees a sandwich...
Worth more than anyone knows or can understand....
Its not the kind of love that makes any sense.....
We are not what each other plan or brag or wish...
But like air food and water the things deadman wish....
My friend my homie a guy who never gets the word love enough

— The End —