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Rick Smerglia Jun 2014
Love is most potent near death,
So lie her down gently upon the coffin,
And disturb the dead man of his rest.
Rick Smerglia May 2014
Taste the dust at my feet,
The kicking, pumping action,
Wielding beneath my flight driven feet.
Ahead I am, and ahead I shall remain,
Still back there, you will forever be.
Nothing can hold me back,
My conviction miles down the path,
So far ahead of you,
There is nothing you can do.
Talk and hate, and try to relate,
Even try to duplicate,
But you could never beat me,
I am the sun, the light, the sky,
And you are but the shadow,
That lies defeated at my feet.
Rick Smerglia Mar 2014
Feed off of the wounds of deep,
Scars that will forever keep,
Hold of time, hold of me.
Let it be,
Flourishing with every planted seed,
Growing, reaping from within.
Suffocation, but this I need,
Let it be, within me.
Supposed to help see,
Clearly, gently.
Let go.
Let the father hold me,
Fall gently,
Ascending into the darkness,
Resting upon his hand,
Stars and lights,
The earth below me,
A grain of sand,
Let it be,
Don’t try to control,
What can’t be.
Take a deep breath,
Rick Smerglia Feb 2014
Not very much do I understand,
I don’t know why I’m here, or for what purpose, not even for how long.
Nor will I ever know the meaning of justice, the meaning of love.
Never will I harness the taste of truth, if there is such a thing.
I’ll never know why I don’t have wings so that I can fly away from here, oh how I long for this.
So many questions, even too many to count perhaps,
But, one thing I do understand is the beauty that is music.
The one thing that I can create and feel.
It’s a perfect connection, a surge of unyielding ecstasy.
A potent drug that takes me so high that nothing can bring me down.
My wings appear as I play harmoniously almost completely autonomously.
Flowing ever so smoothly with vibrant color and emotion.
Nothing can compare, nothing ever will.
A little taste of heaven perhaps.
A little less empty.
A little less to fill.
Rick Smerglia Dec 2013
Walking, talking, thinking…….
Streaming information to myself, detached from the now.
Hoping, fantasizing, imagining, the possibilities…..
Floating above the clouds in artificial ecstasy.
Rain drops fall on my head, slowly but increasing in frequency.
Back to reality, back to melancholy.
The clouds above me swallow all the light,
Time for the nightmares……
The children appear.
The children with dark, cold eyes gaze into me.
Just two at first, just in front of me…..
They grow in number, and power.
Overtaking, gasping, I fall to my knees.
Can’t breathe, can’t see inside my mind.
They surround me; they begin to absorb me…..
My body starts to leave me, my consciousness weakening.
Veins burst out as I fight to regain control……
Relentless, the children’s gaze takes hold of my soul.
Holding onto nothing, retreating, submission crosses my mind……
But not this time, not again.
Never again….
I regain focus; find my grip in the pouring rain.
Back on my feet running through the crowds of gazing darkness….
Pure resolve, absolute control, I spot a ray of light in the distance.
They try to hold me back, grab hold of my legs…….
But I break free…….
Reaching the sliver of light,
Guarded heavily…..
Held back by many……
I break through.
Back to my sunny dreams.
Rick Smerglia Nov 2013
I am hurt.
Destroyed from within.
I let them become close, too close.
They seem so nice, so welcoming, and I fall head over heels.
I feel at home, with comfort and a security blanket.
Friends become abundant, a big party every time we meet.
I become so attached, the feeling of a high launches me to oblivion.
Perfection is what I’ve found, sailing far above the clouds.
I awake one morning and realize that I yearn for more.
Nothing pulls me down faster than my mind at work.
I can’t be blind, I won’t.
The fulfillment lasted as long as my appetite was satisfied.
I know it wasn’t enough, the love turned to rust at the first sight of rain.
Now, I’m viewed as insane.
I have no friends, they’ve disappeared, turned away.
Treated like a plague, they avoid me.
I feel so alone and I can’t get close to anyone.
Not a “believer” like them so they are not compatible with me.
I guess I’m not adaptable to anybody.
Losing my place among the sheep.
I feel, but it doesn't matter.
Should I go back and pretend so I can have false friends?
I can’t. I won’t. Instead I’ll just be alone.
Not the WAY of the flock, but at least I’m not living a lie.
I think, but it doesn't matter.
Connection, it doesn't matter.
I tried.
Rick Smerglia Oct 2013
With what will you call on me for next time you say my name.

Will you ever call me for something other than a game?

I lie awake, drenched in the mistakes of the day, and still I cannot get that nagging voice to go away.

Grace, you chase in an infinite pursuit, nothing could get you there, and you haven’t a clue.

Raised from the wolves, drowned in pools upon pools of clouded mystical illusion,

delusion is clear glass upon your eyes. Dances and ribbons and merry-go-rounds,

falling, and floating up and down. Ice shatters ahead,

still take a step for a breath, an arm for a leg, a useless bargain,

much less to be said. You I summon, sand beneath my feet,

echoes and key-chains march to the merry beat. Behind, far and a long way,

I wave, I call, I signal with all my strength. Fireworks, loud, astonishing,

colorful, hold your gaze. Ground gives way,

parts away, and away, no bridge across.

Alone, I walk.


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