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Feb 2015 · 522
Every job is a job
Every cake is a cake
Put on your socks
So your feet are not worn
Put on your shoes
So your socks are not torn
Lay down in bed
Think back on your day
Wake up in mourning
Think forward Today
And it’s always the same
Same old **** in a frame
So bleeding bored
But with no-one to blame
So I look in the mirror
And wrestle my hair
Sculpting an image
That could lead to despair
Feb 2015 · 416
Spiritual Rat Race
Collaborate with me
O yes I’m sure it’s fine
Sing your prayers and say hello
I’m sure that it's okay
Rejoice in our lives
Hurrah! Hurrah!
Today is a today
Tomorrow another
Sing Sing Sing
My Sister my Brother
Let’s go out and jump around
I’m sure no-one will mind
Can do some more again
Okay Okay
Not all at once
Lay down alright
Take a breath
Relax together
It’s okay
Feb 2015 · 248
X & Y
And all of those that went
Never came back
On the ground was a clue
Taken far away
The arrival was here
Those at the party had stopped to see
A few carried on
Was it so?
Had it been?
Some knew what to do
A gang stepped in their way
The events that followed this occasion were vowed to be kept secret
The rain was wry
The air was tacit
An old man cried
No one dared care

— The End —