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Torontoisart Jul 2017
I am not remedy to help you when you down
I'm not going to be there for you when the waves crash over you and you drown

I'll watch you drown and let you sink to the very bottom
As the water fills your lungs and you slowly fade away from existence
That will be my evidence

That overwhelming feeling of the water filling you up is how you made me feel
This was real

You were dragging me down
No one could hear my cry, they took me for a lie
I was alone. Till I thought why

You filled my mind with the thought that you were the only person I needed
But you beat me down ad left me defeated

My soul leaves my body and as I ascend to a better place
I look down to my beat up, worn out, used and bruised body
All I can say is I'm sorry

To my body:
The kisses you recieved
I cleanse you now
I leave you pure and lifeless
I revoke the vow
It is death now that tore us apart
You were a great companion I clap for you and bow
As you descend to the soil, I throw a rose to you
You put up a great fight.

But its your time to rest now.

Torontoisart Jul 2017
I lay here on my lifeless bed
tormented by my demons
all i hear are voices in my head

I'm a slave to  my own thoughts
and a victim to depression
all I feel is neglect

It is how Toronto was born
The rejection that kept coming my way
I'm haunted by it all night, I'm torn

I am weak
I fight a battle constantly in my own body
and I am on a losing streak

This pain. I've become numb to it
But I feel like I'm forever falling
I'm descending into a bottomless pit

I fall deeper and deeper and realize
Its not real
My mind was showing me lies

It was a trick
My mind is my enemy
It is so twisted and sick

My mind is envious of my happiness
It always finds a way to torment me
My life is just a mess

It's 4 a.m
I haven't shut my eyes
It really is a shame

I look to the ceiling and await my next punishment
I wait anxious
For my souls diminishment

Torontoisart Jul 2017
My mind says one thing but my mouth says another. My words cause destruction.I leave a trail of pain wherever I go.

You were a fire. And my words were water. Now I that I have spoken to you. You are gone. The fire has gone out.

I gathered that I kept trying to change you. I kept saying I accept you. But did I. Do I. There
Is a constant fight going on in me. My mind vs my heart.

The voices. They tell me to say things. They tell me I deserve the pain. I should go through life with a dagger through my heart. They tell me that I'm worthless. I'm never going to be anything great. And I believe them.

People shouldn't be around me. Im poison to all thats around me. I'm highly lethal and should be kept away from human and all living things. Whatever I touch burns. Whatever I love perishes.

- T
With the midus touch everything you touch turn gold. With the Toronto touch everything you touch perishes burns.
Torontoisart Jun 2017
The pain creeps in through the door
I'm here with my heart aching
'Make the pain stop!!' I scream on the floor

I grab onto my bedsheets with hope to pull myself up
The world comes crashing down on me
I'm empty with no way of filling up

There is no cup to fill
I dont think I even exist
I pinch myself to make sure I feel

My soul runs dry
The tears no longer flow
I can no longer cry

I crawl on the cold floor
Making my way to the door
Trying to escape from this hell
But I'm locked in like a cell

"Why!!" I scream in denial
I'm left all alone
No one is coming back for a while

I've cried through the pain
But I've reached my pinnacle
No thing can keep me sane

I lied and said I'm okay
But here I am
On the floor I lay

Defeated by this cruel world, it won
I couldnt carry this pain anymore
It weighed more than a ton

7 billiom to be exact
The world is my pain
And thats a fact

I am worth of no cost
I am a broken soul
You can try find me
But I am lost.

Go follow my IG and dm me if you have anything to say to me. @rejecttoronto
Torontoisart May 2017
He put you in a transe of which you couldnt get out of
He made you think he was your true love

What you loved about him was his mind
What you didnt know he was making you blind

You two connected on a mystical level
You two were at a mental state sitting on a petal

You were hurt that he left you for another
But I think it was a chance to rediscover

Dont say you will never love again
That you afraid of all the pain you'll gain

But I know how to take care of a girl like you
I already know your favourite colour is blue

I might not be the intellectual person you want
But Im as authentic as an old style font

We can have deep thoughts and talk all night
Our talks would be pure , pure as white

Look into my soul and see how I feel
I feel a spark between us like an electrical eel

Only if you want, walk with me in this journey we call life
Take on the world together using a knife

- T
Torontoisart May 2017
The amount of simplicity in the air has me craving for your complex soul
You're beauty only lustfull
You make a empty man whole

You're a work of art so majestic so pure
You're young yet not childish
You're superior so mature

With your abundantly overflowing aura
You make me question my religion
You have me reading the Torah

Your body like the oceans waves
It kills are the people who dare to stare
You end up digging graves

Lets get lost it space and wonder about
We could be two wonderous bodies
Look into each others eyes and make out

Let me explore the the magnificent perfection you are
Let us be blissful
Let me kiss you on a star.

- T
Torontoisart May 2017
he promised to never break your heart
but by time you realized he was lying
he tore it apart

he was trouble at first sight
he was deceiving you from the phrase "ill treat you right"

his dark brown eyes gave you a arousing  feeling you believed to be love
you felt like you were flying in cool air like a dove

without knowing you were going to crash on floor
you crashed. out of your eyes tears pour

he uses your tears to quench his foul thirst.

- t.
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