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Ree Bunch Jan 2017
Yellow stained teeth yet she smiles.
That smile is excuding pride.
Body hair growing wild,
Yet her arms give such warmth.
She disappears amongst a crowd.
Lurking as a helpful eye.

Men laugh at her unibrow,
Dismissing her giving heart.
Disregard of her love's vow.
She'd love with all of her being
And her pride yellow stained smile.
Yet eyes only see her flaws.

Her inner beauty shines bright,
Guiding true love through the night.
There is a person for everyone that will only see the beauty that truly matters.
Ree Bunch Jan 2017
Pickaxe swings,
shards fly.
Pieces move,
yet inners hide.

I've been swinging
both day and night.
Understanding you
is a futile fight.
Ree Bunch Jul 2016
We've been talking for hours.
Struggling for ultimate power.
Can't you read my inner cues?
I still sit trying to get through
Only to notice you have no **** clue!
Ree Bunch Jun 2016
An elephant and a dog became pregnant at the same time. Three months down the line the dog gave birth to six puppies.

Six months later the dog was pregnant again- and nine months on the  dog gave birth to another dozen puppies. The pattern continued.

On the eighteenth month the dog approached the elephant questioning- “Are you sure you’re pregnant? We became pregnant on the same date ; I have given birth three times to a dozen puppies, and they have grown to become big dogs, yet you are still pregnant. What’s going on?”

The  elephant replied- “ There is something I want you to understand. What I am carrying is  not a puppy, but an elephant. I only  give birth to one in two years.

When my baby hits the ground- the earth feels it.

When my baby crosses the road- human beings stop and watch in admiration.

What I carry draws attention, so what I’m carrying is mighty and great!”

Don’t  lose faith when you see others receive answers to their prayers.
Don’t be envious of others testimonies.
If you haven’t received your own blessings- don’t despair.
Say to yourself, *
“My time is coming, and when it hits the surface of the earth- people  shall yield in admiration.*”
This piece spoke to me in so many ways,  so I wanted to share this with my HP family.
  Jun 2016 Ree Bunch
_ (( _

half moon balances on
a telephone wire

a golden bowl tipped, spilling




(C) 6/11/2016
This is exactly the view before me. The half moon is the golden bowl tipped
spilling out this star.


Time for me to go to bed. I have church tomorrow.
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