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Are you out there?
That perfect someone.
Taller than 5 feet
With your disheveled hair
And your imperfect good looks.
I don't mean you pretty boys
I want the beautiful ones
With all the flaws.
Inside and Out.
I love your flaws
Will you love mine?
Do you feel pain
do you embrace it
and let it wrap around you with familiarity?
Are you open or listen to good music?
An avid country music hater.
You are out there
Perfectly Imperfect Boy.
Where are you?
Because I have yet to find you.
So you can kiss me unexpectantly
and make me laugh.
So you can break my walls
Piece by piece
Till I am nothing left but myself.
Come rescue me
On your black horse
In anyway you desire.
I like guys with tousled, unkempt hair
who can wear baggy sweatpants around me and still look as dashing as ever.

Someone who can deeply talk about anything from flying pigs to french toast, inspires, and touches my heart the way nobody else can.

Someone whose eyes speak volumes and
whose gaze warms me like a fire in the dead of winter.

Someone who loves me and truly cares about what I do and who I am as a person.
 Apr 2014 Smudged Ink
You'll get hurt.
End up miserable.
Be left alone.
Have a broken heart.
Shed buckets of tears.
Feel unbearable pains.

These are the reasons
Not to fall in love.

When it comes to love,
The heart knows no limit,
No risk,
It will do anything it wants.
That's the magic of love;
It can make even the most intelligent people  
Lose their logic and common senses.
So, forget these risks,
Forget the possibility of crashing.
Forget the chances of failing.

Coz eventually,
Your heart will soon beat for someone.

Fall in love deeply,

Fal­l in love in spite of it all;
Who knows,
You'll be that lucky
To fall for someone who will forever make you happy.

Every woman should bathe herself
then look in the mirror au naturel and say,
"My body is beautiful" because
we forget sometimes that the only person
we need to please is
he's the stars in my night
and the worth to my fight

he's my eyes to my sight

and everything that's absolutely right

never been held so tight

with you I'll never put up a fight

for I am your princess and you my Knight

to my dark he is the light

He is the left to my right

and the sleepless to my night

and i love him with all of my might <3
For today is brand new,
It is of circumstantial glue.
For today is a day,
Unlike most yet still the same.
For today Ill give in,
Not sure if Ill be able to again.
For today ill forget who I am,
But not how to be a man
For today, just for today,
I want to be us again...
 Nov 2013 Smudged Ink
she was lighter
and he was cigarette

she needed him to feel worthwhile
and he needed her to feel the flames

but just like every lighter
her light ran out

and just like every cigarette
his fire died

and just like that
they forgot who they are
i tried my best and this is one of my very first poems xoxo
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