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 Jan 2016 Rebekah
Emma N Boyer
12/16/15 6:26am

A sliver of color through the back window. The same peach as blushing cheeks and the fading blue of a baby's blanket. Trembling silence and clouds of breath mingling with each other in the newborn morning. Headlights taking snapshots of tired eyes; whispers tender enough not to wake the napping stars. Trees designing window panes clearly in a hurry, blurring in and out with all their arms stretched towards the sky. The road is stretching, too. The pavement stern and silent, clutching at the cars that dare disturb its sleep. The horizon hints at fire burning far away; a soft orange glow with wisps of grey feigning smoldering smoke. A train track breaks the tree line, headed off to god knows where. Its rails are far too drowsy to share their story now. Emergency exits, shy and unsure, boast red block letters and cringe with each overpass. As if anyone awake at this hour would bother escaping. The world rises grey, sore, soft, and insane. Not willing today to put on a show; driven into depression by each pair of feet; abused and misused and fed up to say the least. It yawns and stubborn concrete stays solemnly in place, decorated with plastic bags and stained with struggling weeds. Red leaking in the distance, igniting the belly of the vapor that is painted on the edge; the blaze already mentioned gaining confidence, it seems. Canary yellow losing faith and retreating beneath the flames, the first slivers of sea green peeking through at last. All of this behind, a different canvas up ahead: a vision of the clogged confusion not worth description or dedication. A rainbow on the right rebelling against the sky, bringing hope in desperate effort when infant hours threaten dawn.
Just a morning I hate to write about
 Jan 2016 Rebekah
I feel like I am neurologically deficient
That a lot of my brain cells are missing
Like a punch drunk doped up punk boxer
A pimply muscle bound ***** on steroids
Hanging out at my old high school locker
No shocker that I am no medical doctor
But I always thought I’d be just a bit better
I guess on average I am a little bit smarter
But the bar is set so low that it requires
Very little to grow and go over it, you know
In comparison to the other young men
I may be grandstanding and one upping them
But when it comes to grand scheme of things
When compared to past people
Who shared my glorious dreams
Like Percy Shelley and John Keats
Like Ginsburg and the other Beats
I think I am drifting of course just a bit
Lest we all forget the **** cut the crap to fit in it
Maybe I’m okay few travel this way anyways
So who’s to say if I’m doing it the wrong or the right way
But I still feel like my brain needs a chemical treatment
A diet with more nutrients and sufficient Supplements
Because I’m feeling neurologically deficient
 Jan 2016 Rebekah
Haiku 3
 Jan 2016 Rebekah
Wind blown clouds in sky
Tear filled rain drops feed maple trees
Leaves die feeding ground

— The End —