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 Apr 2015 RazanSidErani
And the smoke rises,
doing nothing to hide
the growing mob
The rising tide of chaotic fury
A wall of black,
of bulletproof vests and shields,
struggles to stay upright
against the furious wave
Anger, rolling through the streets
Broken windows, their only remains
are the crimson-soaked shards
Storm the stores, fight to steal
Fight for the right to scream
and be heard
and regretful bullets
Pierce the rising cloud of smoke
Which does nothing to hide
the growing tide of rebellion.
She's like deliquescent caramel,

the cool side of a pillow

        to lay your weary head,

subtleties of springtime &

          warmth in wintertide,

whispering hope upon lush  

        Zephyrus pipe dreams,  

    mellifluous nymph with wings

                 of a butterfly warrior,

softly determined,

    unfailingly true-hearted,

       whilst relentlessly ferocious

  Wise, yet sometimes struts

        blindly in the light,

       as dulcet tones of a cello's

           melodious marmalade

            in sentiment's tender fancy,

she's beauty, charm,

         knowledge, poetry,

               utter strength,

               & humane weaknesses,

she's twisted and ethereal,

           her aura sublimely captivating

     you may covet her body,

            you'll never possess her soul
playing with the siblings ..
in the park of a small town..
no hurry no worry...
of falling dusk..

running to home..
on mother loudly call..
together eating, fighting..
sleeping in mothers lap..

grasping her hand..
turn by turn..
laughing, smiling...
blooms like flowers..
mothers love..
fathers caring..

now we have grown up..
grown up with greed..
grown up with jealousy...
grown up with hatred..

parents are isolated
lonely worried..
mother's legitimate love..
is not enough..
to keep us together..

years passing..
hairs turned gray..
kin not in touch...
since long time..

what happen to our love..
affection for each other..
why we became...
so shameless & selfish..

cant they become..
the same...
small child...
once again..
 ©deovrat 'अयन' 13.03.2015
since the inception..
     all make perception..
        happening within..
          but the line is very thin..

                *everyone is in vain..
             searching joy and pain..
       between two ends of ..
life and death…

   passion of deeds..
         obsession of  happening..
              does really…
                   has any meaning..?

                      whatever you do ..
                what ever you earn..
           you have to leave..
  while you are burn..

    energy remain constant..
          feel  energy and enjoy
                 energy cannot be created
                         energy cannot be destroy

                    perform upon wisdom..
                  not to bother
           never dreams…
     deeds of others..

          if birth happen..
                why hurry..
                      death in inevitable..
                              why to worry…

                                  deovrat - 22.04.2015  (c)
 Apr 2015 RazanSidErani
 Apr 2015 RazanSidErani
I can see

the light has blinded me

to the truth

of the world.

Peel the layers of fog

off of my eyes

and let me see

 Apr 2015 RazanSidErani
 Apr 2015 RazanSidErani

Late, she came that morning,
And next to him she sat,
Towards him she was leaning,
Her perfume he could scent,
His heart blended a feeling,
That he could never forget.
She spoke to him so little,
A sweet voice, a gentle fiddle,
That made his heart twiddle,
As a dance or a romantic riddle.
He had to keep it for himself,
Unfold like a book on a shelf,
-Eagerly, lustfully written,
  Secretly, silently hidden-
He went further to dream,
A non-sense fictional stream,
Imagining what would seem,
Like a fancy illusion to deem,
His fate of having her for real,
But soon all of that would steal,
His attention to notice a gleam,
Of vivacious sun rays that beam,
Her skin light as a glittering cream,
With pink sublime shaped lips,
So elegant, heavenly made ideal,
To which his wicked desires kneel.
For every artful kiss on the cheek,
Went a feeling sensual and deep,
Till their eyes were meant to meet,
Exposing what he thought in secrete,
"Alas! a fool I am to conceive,
Such beauty into such conceit,
It shall never happen."

Cowardly, he said inbetween,
Fake glances of his childish deceit,
In a futile trial to hide and conceal,
What he thought to be absurd conceit,
That could be a fairytale so sweet,
She felt the same, he never knew.
A secret tale by a heartbeat,
He kept it untold; unspoken,
Between the lines forgotten,
Thus it is, a fairytale incomplete.

© copy right protected
 Apr 2015 RazanSidErani
Inspiration hath spoken to me, in my loner nights dreamless nights of woe,
"thou shalt write this, take it as thine next poem, the next about her in row!
Thou shalt take it easy, her sublime beauty, thy cause of awe".
Make it thus as a masterpiece of beauty, a reflection of her countenance for which my wicked desires bow.

Her eyes begged me, her lips thrived me, that smile made it all come slow,
To a pen and a piece of paper here I am to share and show,
How deemed my soul is with affection and inspiration she overthrew,
Whelming my feelings, as another string, many strings tied to her bow.*

© copy right protected
There he was yet again...
Gazing at her perfection...

Losing all his senses for a while
Trying to find himself in her reflection...

The rain poured suddenly
Soaking all in its hue...

But he kept away..
Even from the drops of dew...

Yet he was drenched
In a feeling unnamed...

Standing alone under the starry sky
He was inked & stained......
                    ❤Inked&Stained; with LOVE❤
Introductory poem of my collection..
 Apr 2015 RazanSidErani
 Apr 2015 RazanSidErani
I'm part of a cult with no leader.
We take flight from unidentified runways.
King Kong is nothing but a chest beater;
climbing skyscrapers and swatting at planes.
I'm not afraid of the beast.
No, really though, we're quite good friends.
I've been invited to a giant feast,
but no one ever eats because the toast never ends.
Who put this guy in charge anyway?
I'm not okay with his facts.
I propose a mutiny.
Let's all cheers to that!
Choose a side.
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