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  Jul 2014 Poet x rebel
emily grace
if you want to leave me

i think that is okay

i’ll still remember you

in the pages of my old notebook

doodled over and torn

stained with cherry coke

i’ll read the diary entry

about the time you took my innocence

and how it was


if you want to leave me

i think i’ll be okay

because you’re still buried deep in me

like the way ants create castles in the ground

you are the tunnels that i maneuver around

you’re artwork on a wall

too obscure to understand

but yet

everybody understands the sadness emanating

and they cry

because it’s beautiful

i cry because you’re beautiful
Poet x rebel May 2014
blood drops like
cloud drops rainfalls
falls on those unprotected from rain
try to run from the rain
but you can still hear the sounds .
Red and black are the colours
of the cursed
the cursed that never knew
the brightness and happiness
of colours that bring life.

Blood drops like
my heart drops everytime
your voice stops
from being heard by my
ears and being felt
by the butterflies in my stomach.
The name Bummies used to bring
so much joy to the soul that
used to be at peace
now Bummies just holds lots
of memories and moments
I can never take back

and like the clouds that hold rainfalls
and the way blood drops...
my eyes water.
I'm in love with a boy I had a fling with and now he isn't talking me without giving me a reason why. I'm just basically describing how much I miss him.

— The End —