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Toronto    drown yourself in existence. twitter: modelb0nes
Rachael Stainthorpe
Huddersfield    Just bleeding words
Destiny Diadem
Florida    I'm a mother, wife, friend, writer, author, poet, and more... I write articles on marriage, crime, dating, education, parenting, religion, and natural beauty at …
where you will find me    More to follow, anything right now would sound hollow. Words with or with out rhyme poetry is life, beyond pantomime. Dead serious. Mean it, kinda. …
North Carolina    he liked the mere act of reading, the magic of turning scratches on a page into words inside his head.
Jorge L Echevarria
30/M/NC    Just want to write, work with writers, and live through my art
James Ellis
31/M/Minneapolis, MN    An MFA candidate at the School of Letters in Sewanee, TN.
Elizabeth Squires
All poems original Copyright of Elizabeth Squires.
best to remain unnamed
Sam Newton
Music, music, music, poetry, and junk food. All while doing hoodrat things with my friends.
Seattle, WA    Christ as a light Christ as a shield Christ beside me On my left And my right
vircapio gale
!i!i!i! i like to type until the dawn is just about to give itself to day, and stand breathing in that new freshness of the …
Boulder, CO    Bruce Johnson has worked as a biotech project manager and business analyst, as the night manager of a private high stakes gambling club on the …
Sean Antonio Tyson
28/Land of the free    When I die those who will remember me will make me immortal... unscramble the chaos
Andrew P Marheine
Richmond, VA    I'm Andrew. Writer, musician, metalhead, idiot. hope you enjoy. Connect with me: Instagram/Twitter: @AndrewRequiem
I am fueled by a need to discover beauty & then share it as my heart tends to unceasingly pour out of my fingertips. Passions …
F Alexis
Jeremy Duff
NorCal, where it's sunny    I write about girls and the weather and sometimes both. "We laugh in self-defense"
Things fall together.
Harry J Baxter
Richmond    "If you're going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the …
Dag J
Norway    My humble contributions of poetry, thoughts, feelings, words and letters, soul stuff and mind puffs, mental excursions from the daily handcuffs. ... "Our glory lies …
Nhlanhla Moment
33/M/Witbank, South Africa    Life is poetic, it is just not always the rhyming scheme we prefer|| Please check out my book: |EP:
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