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The actress that time forgot
Resting prolifically
Gathering rot

The craft that began to rust
As she waited in the shadows
Accumulating dust

The spotlight that eluded her so
After clinging tightly to her dreams
She had to let them go

The opportunities that didn’t knock
But passed her by
With the ticking of the clock

The fire in her belly that wouldn’t subside
Though nothing of note
Did materialise

The watching of others’ success
As she pondered upon
Her own lack in distress

The waning of that ambition
Abandoned hope
Zero auditions

The conclusion it was time to quit
Try another avenue
Get over it

But this girl wasn’t finished yet
She’d find her forte
Live without regret

For where there’s a will there’s a way
And when the sun rises
There’s always another day.
He moved me but
He didn’t know
We were on the cusp
The feelings began to flow

I felt drawn to him
And was willing to merge
But we were interrupted
And our little bubble was burst

And so he left
Went back to his life
But the impression he made
Has caused me some strife

This lost opportunity
May never come again
Though I yearn for him
But he won’t relent

So I bottle it up
Keep it locked inside
But when I think of him
Butterflies arise

In the pit of my stomach
Fluttering away
And then he infiltrates my dreams
So that when I awake

I’m aching for him
Wishing he was nearby
But we are far apart
Though these emotions won’t subside

What to do?
Powerless it seems
The one that got away
If only he knew how much he means.
The uncaring and unempathic
Make me so mad
Thoughtlessly operating
They fire around

Insensitive words
That can ***** and sting
Designed to hurt
Dark energy do they bring

It’s all about them
And their world of pain
So bitter and twisted
Verbal punches do they rain

Down on those
Whom have ‘irked’ them so
Unwittingly perhaps
But still they blow

Me me me!
They take precedence
Self-centred to the hilt
So others they condemn

Offloading at the innocent
To numb their misery inside
Makes them feel better
To cause another to cry

I guess they can’t help it
As they’re suffering within
Something is lacking
In them, something grim

So on to any poor soul
Do they their bile project
Thus be mindful of this
And yourself do protect.
She put on a lilac ‘rinse’
And left it for only 10 mins
It went a deep shade of violet
She wished she hadn’t tried it

So she attempted to wash it out
But it was stuck fast there was no doubt
Then it faded to all colours of the spectrum
Now it’s green and matches her plectrum

It wasn’t her intention to have green hair
She wishes she’d resisted the urge
To dye it and make a right flaming mess
Now it seems in her head someone’s purged

So every day she scrubs and scrubs
With all manner of paint strippers
But the green in her barnet
just won’t budge
So she’s stuck with this colour it figures

Trying to match her clothes with her hair
Is proving quite a task
There’s only so much teal in her closet
And she’s bored with the situation though it lasts

Sick of the sight
When she looks in the mirror
She feels like shaving it all off

Grotbags would be thrilled
That she had an impersonator
Oh if only this girl could laugh

But it’s no laughing matter
When your hair’s in tatters
And no amount of effort sorts it out

All she wants to do
Is vanquish this colour
But she can’t and it’s stressing her out!
What does it all mean?
This life we lead
We rise with the sun
We love, we bleed

On a treadmill
Moving day to day
We go through the motions
And act a certain way

We while away the hours
At work, at leisure
We indulge in a few
Earthly pleasures

And the clock ticks on
No respite in sight
What’s it all for?
Why does day turn into night?

A cyclical existence
The huge wheel turns
Some say it’s a challenge
We’re here to learn

We’re born, we die
The interim’s a choice
But fate has a hand
In whether we commiserate or rejoice

I know not what
I incarnated for
But the monotony is palpable
And I crave something more.
Be like water
Go with the flow
Where the river takes you
You cannot possibly know

Be like the breeze
Light as air
Ride that wave
Without a care

Live for the day
You may not see tomorrow
No point dwelling
On the pain and sorrow

Take it as it comes
A blessing in disguise
Find that silver lining
You won’t believe you eyes

Fire purifies
Lightening breaks the shackles
A Phoenix will often rise
From the ashes of the battle

And if you are still standing
When all has come to pass
Thank you’re lucky stars
You weren’t obliterated by the blast

Then start over again
You got a second chance
Grab it by the horns
And ****** learn to dance!
Unrelenting heat
Persists for protracted days
Outstaying it’s welcome now
Oppressive the lack of shade

Nowhere to escape and hide
From the blinding rays
Sweaty, sleepless nights
Wandering around in a daze

Fatiguing soaring temperatures
Sap vitality
Lounging is all I feel capable of
Low output, productivity

The air so densely humid
Almost another layer to bear
I yearn for the intermittent breeze
To cool and caress my hair

Gooey tarmac
Scorched white grass
Too prickly to sit
It scratches my a**e

Too sweltering now to bask
And obtain a golden glow
Instead I dodge the searing fingers
That singe me as they stroke

From dawn til dark and into the night
The temperature persistently high
I toss and turn and beg for mercy
But it continues until it’s light

Oh pretty please would you kindly
Turn it down a notch
It’s boring now, really
To be so burning hot

Bring on the rain
To cleanse us all
Extinguish the furnace
Rehydrate, let it fall!

Drench my skin
Until I’m soaking wet
Bring about rebirth
I entreat, nay, I beg!
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