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3.4k · May 2014
Al May 2014
they say we are all made out of
if so,
i am a million black holes
and you are the brightest suns
in the universe.
738 · May 2013
in the wrong
Al May 2013
our society
talks of acceptance
of equality,
but only if you look the part.

our society
is one filled with ***
of promiscuity,
but God forbid
if you bed anyone.

our society
idolizes love
and soul mates
but only if it is the right ***.

our society
tells us that everyone is unique,
but whatever you do
don’t be yourself.
672 · Oct 2013
Words Can Cut
Al Oct 2013
i have words printed on my arms
you can see them,
but you have to look closely


they cut across the pale skin like scars.
531 · May 2013
the afterlife
Al May 2013
i think it would be nice
if i were to be a ghost.

think of all the fun
i could have
while scaring people shitless.

tip over the water glasses,
the chairs,
the tables.

turn off the lights
in the evening
turn them on
at dawn.

walk around
in silk sheets
whispering quiet nothings
in your ears
watching you look around
eyes wide.

leave you little poems
that you’ve never read
because ive made them up
just then.

we could have fun
as you look right through me
just like old times.
464 · Feb 2014
Al Feb 2014
i used to be able to write and speak without thinking
to form sentences and phrases and paragraphs
like it was what i was born to do
i knew just as many words
as a dictionary
but lately
i’ve been
slowing down
like my
i’m fading
what anorexia has done to me
379 · Nov 2015
For You
Al Nov 2015
I’m trying
to be a better person.
Trying to get some sleep
at night. I’m trying not to worry
to not always put up a fight. I slip up too many
times to count. But you always tell me it will be alright.
I know you hate what I’ve done to myself. Know
you shake at the sight. I know I’m
a disgusting little creature
but I’ll be okay if you
just hold me
355 · Jul 2015
In Stone
Al Jul 2015
if I have not told you lately
that I love you
time has gotten in the way
of everything
I want to say

if I have told you too much
that I love you
its just because
my mind has dissolved
into chaos

do not mind my words
do not mind my heart

the sun rises
and sets
each day
because we are just a sliver
in the universe
a thorn
not shaken loose yet

and we will never change it
and you will never love me
and I will never believe
in anything but this

it’s all concrete
into stone.
353 · Oct 2014
in life and death
Al Oct 2014
i want to slice open my arms and legs
bleed into the universe
until i become one with the stars

i want to be a flower
torn apart by the breeze
until nothing remains of the original me

i want to rip your memory from my brain
my veins and nerves and muscles
my mouth screams out your name
and echoes in the silence
until it matches with the pounding in my chest

and you said you would never leave
i was foolish enough to actually believe

they say i told you so
while i cry over the countless hours
i’ve wasted on loving you

i want to fade away
until the molecules holding me together
begin to
s e p a r a t e

— The End —