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I don't know the secret to having poems trend
There are some poems I feel certain that they will trend and they do not
I have read many excellent poems that did not trend, the list seems unending
I still feel that they are worthwhile ,especially when they caused a laugh or a smile or even a  tear when I really need a good cry
If the poems effect me or others I feel they are successful no matter whether they are trending or not
I feel bad for fellow poets if they get discouraged if their poems don't trend, the heart is such a fragile thing to mend, especially if discouragement sets in causing them to question their talents or ability.
My advice would be just write, if it trends great; if not keep writing don't give up
If you are writing to an Audience of one or 500 just get your feelings out you many be surprised by the results someday, you poems may really touch peoples lives that can relate to them.
Whether the poems trend or not Keep Writing!
Quick is the heart
To deliver such a rush
When all the world around is in such a hush
Death is growing near for one or more
Unless I step in to help even the score
The weapons they have are great
But to save others, I must surrender to fate
I will stand tall and proud and I will always know
The love I feel for my friends only grows
Stronger and stronger the power flows
I will end their suffering with one swift blow
A loud crack and an ache in my chest
The shadows wavered and quietly left
My love is strong and saved all I've known
The world shakes and my body must yield
While I saved others with the my shield
My final fate is now sealed
I think ill always be sad;
not in the way most people think.
i don't always want to cry
or fall to my knees
or scream words even i can't comprehend.

I age like the sun.

Time slowly ticks,
to the day when it has taken all that it can
and its endless energy erupts
into infinite darkness,
never to be seen again.
somedays i feel like the sun;
although, i don't light up the galaxy.
I don't cause the earth to rotate in perfect
and I don't control
but someday
my energy will erupt too,
leading me into infinite darkness,
never to be seen again.

— The End —