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zozzyz Nov 2024
For you, id cut my cookie in half , even if it was my last,
but in reality i'd do way more than that.

for you id give a piece of me to see you smile again.
id give you the stars and the moon ,
just to see you soon.

you never caused me a heart break,
and i never want to see you fall and break.

just one more look at you and ill be fine,
please come back and i will  make you mine.

its hard to let go just so you know,
but if i could do it all over again,
i'd give it one more go.

i miss you, its quite here.
lets run so far we dissappear.
zozzyz Nov 2024
If you were my little girl, you wouldn't hate your guts,
id spoil you with love and care you never got.

live your childhood without thinking what comes next ,
be a teenage dirtbag just to feel your rest,
once you're 20 you'll be the best.

dont sell yourself for the american girl dream,
dont be self conscious or insecure, you know what i mean,
Dont starve yourself or purge, its not what you think.
or else you wont be the next ''big thing''

you're a teenage girl trapped in a horror world,
so shoot as high as you can and you'll score a goal.
#idk #imadethisinclass
zozzyz Nov 2024
you thought to sort this out, I didn't allow.
only ended up making it anyhow worse.
angel, you're not with it you're way too far now.

Gave you my word as you take it and run,
was the beginning  just for fun?
stood in between you and the tip of the devils arrow,
Just for you to pull the trigger on the gun.

Even as you drifted away with the wind,
I still see you, with sunlight on your face,
on my freshly tinted rear view.
You blocked the window, and left me feeling blue.

Maybe my heart was on my shoulders when i vented to you,
Tears were filling up my eyes making you an ocean view.
The stars sparkled on the reflection of the waves,
But i could see your dark eyes through, like a paved way.

if it makes you feel better, i always thought that it was my fault.
When you pushed me away, i felt the jolt.
Struck between the chambers of my heart, you stole.
zozzyz Nov 2024
As you see, you were here for me,
you made me who i am, but not for free
but what could be the cost be?

the nile flowed down your face when you found out,
so if you ask me what im thinking about i wont tell you or ill feel bad.

you gave me alot just so you could take it all back,
made me feel loved but why do i feel sad?

the kisses you give me are out of sympathy now,
you took it all out on me and let the wrong be free.

was it ever love ?
you drained me , mom.
i hope i get to be a ghost dove.

i love you mom, im sorry.
zozzyz Nov 2024
you overthought it , you were never considered
You asked and served yet got left on delivered
you're just the window when they close the curtains.
never promise anyone , nothing's ever certain.

The only thing that's promised is  promises are broken,
Chose their lies over the truth  , find a way to cope then.
Preformed many motions, now look at their actions.
you're the whole number within the mixed fractions.
took a selfie and left, didn't tag you in the caption.

promises are lies to try make you feel better,
dont believe them! , i mean whatever.
you'd still chose them after what they did
look at your eyes now, did you hit your head?

sorry for lying,
but i will keep trying.
zozzyz Nov 2024
My feelings and thoughts are starting to collide,
Im lost in this blank space, When i find someone i hide.
Slowly losing consciousness, slowly losing pride,
No one thinks the same way, or am i just clyde?

My spirit is drifting away , but the smile stays on my face,
The northern lights are so pretty, like a stitched lace.
So free, so interlocked, Makes me chase.
so see the end of it, what if there's no such place?

Maybe one day ill find it alongside myself,
to find meaning , like the books on my shelf.
Its really simple , but i keep zoning out
Into a distant land with colorful clouds.

Im trying my best, to make myself proud,
I will be one of the greatest, I vowed.
zozzyz Nov 2024
The day that i met you i started dreaming,
Pinched myself to get back to reality, what a feeling.
Boy you've got me in a chokehold, staring at the ceiling,

You made me feel what i've never felt before,
Being with you never felt like a chore.
But you're too shy , makes me excited never bored.

Oh to have you by my side,
Oh for you to live with me in life,
Oh when you give me those butterflies,
Oh just for you, ,my partner in crime.

Let's stay together forever and never depart,
If we ever separated , i would probably grieve,
It would shock me through the chambers of my heart.
So lets together keep playing this silly game,
Today, tomorrow , yesterday, it will never end.
As long as we're together it will never be lame.

I love you always,
makes me feel so dazed.
zozzyz Dec 2024
وينك يا جاذب شعوري             و مطمن إحساسي
كتبت عنك رواية تنقال         و وصفتك في اشعاري
غرت عليك من الباقي          و ما سمحت للي نوى
انغمرت فالليل و عيونك       و اخذ يلعب فيني الهوا
   خذيتني بسؤال طرحته           كنت نسيتني الهم توا
و نضراتك تدلني طية            تلمع و كأنها موه
سلبت روحي و اخذت        صبري  و انفاسي بقوة
     اننا نفترق لعيون الغير           ماهو شي قد شرحته
احبك  والله                    قلبي لغيرك ما فتحته
عيونك تغطيها الشهب       شي ما قد وصفته
احتار بين الكلمات            ما قد كلام شين بعثته
احبك, و ربي انا واثق من الي كتبته.
zozzyz Jan 9
يغازلنا المطر و الغيم يا من بعدي
تدافع عني مهماً انقال و كان ضدي
افكر من بعد السحور و الوردي على خدي
لو انك تدري الي يدور فالقلب و في صدري

قال لي شخص كله حكمة و نور
خلك من الباقي و ابقى مع الي يجيب السرور
دام ان الوقت يركض لا تركض وراه
تابع ايامك  ولا تطلب رضاه

فالحفرة تكون لي سروري
تلعب بأشاير الحب مع فاضٍ خط المروري
فألي مر عليك هبته ريح الندا
لؤلؤ كعيونك الي تنسيني همومي و الشقى.
zozzyz Jan 9
i find peace in this, in us
Hope this lit candle never buns out
I pray everyday our memories dont turn to rust
even if i spend my time with the nonsense i spout.
zozzyz Jan 1
يومنك شفتني عرفت ان احبابنا قاسيين و الوقت يسيل
الا تفسر حسك و من يومها قرر الحبر الأتي و المصير
عشت لحظات توفي بأوقاتها الملتوية و تكسفني طية
عيونك تلتفت لغيري و تلق فكشفك النور يا حية
حبيت تدربني على الوداع و كأني لعبة للأستمتاع
قطعت معاك الخيط و انا مقتنعة مع المكتوب بأقتناع
لعبت بأشاير الحب حطيتني في وهم و خداع
اوقاتنا تكلمني بدمعاتها و تشرح لي معاناتها
قلت اني اشاكي و اباجي و هاذي من عاداتها
لعبة الأنتقام حلوة و هاذي من لذاتها
ما فكرت انك تجي و تسرع في مواساتها
اشعاري ما عاد تحتاجك تتواجد على صفحاتها.
zozzyz Nov 2024
يوم تلاقينا في ذاك البيت ------ سلمت عليك سلام إلقى
الا ترد علي السلام بالوداع ------ و نظرة شقى
يوم انك ضحيت بسعادتك --- لناظر الخاطر
ما لك غير نفسك ------ و الماضي و الحاضر
قال من قال الي لقي احبابه ---- نسى اصحابة
يا القلب و الروح هديتيني جروح --- و ذكريات غرابة
كان ممكن نكون الي ما يكون -- بس غيبتك و عمرك ممنون
ما تترك الي كان وياك ------- و لا تجرح الي نساك
فيا دنيا كوني وديمة ------ و خذيني من الجنوبي للشمالي
حتى القى المستحيل ----- حتى احقق الي فبالي
يا عم تسمح لي ------ اكون من الأهل؟
غيبتك طالت ----- و الكلام زاد و القلب اتبلل
بالدموع و النصيب ----- لو كان لنا فرصة
نعيش الحياء مرة وحدة ----- ولو بالصدفة.
#the feels
zozzyz Nov 2024
و لسوف اعود يا امي -------- لكي اروي رضاك
فما انا غلامٌ ------------   يحاول الوصول إلى مستواك
و لكم مدةً سأراعي ------ ما لا أملِكهُ؟
ساعدتموني ثم دفعتوني ---- تحت حفرةٍ مِن أفكاري
لا تتركني ------ مهما زادت أذكاري
فكيف لكم أن تحزنوني --- بعد أن ربيتموني؟
فقالو الحب ليس بالدم ---- فهززت رأسي و انا لا اصدقهم
فأنضرو إلى حالتي --- و حققو رغبتي.
جعلتموني ابكي اليالي --- حتى بللت الثرا دما
تركتوا أثراً يجادلني كلما زرتموني
يا ناس, اين الإنسانيه؟
zozzyz Dec 2024
سالت عيوني من عيونها عليك  لكن تقبلت مصيري
كيف تعطيني ظهرك و تشوف ناس غيري  

انتظرتك لأخر يوم  متى ممكن يصافح بالولا قلبي
متى ممكن فؤادك يتطمن  على احساسي و على حبي

اخذتني رغما عن الهموم  حملت على كتفك شعوري
ما انسى الليل وعيونك  لكن تنسى العين و تعجز توفي.

— The End —