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Jun 2020 · 186
honey Jun 2020
your calloused hands are softer than any i’ve ever held. sometimes i think about how when you hold mine it feels like they’re stitched together because it’s so difficult to pull them away when i have to leave.
it’s sweet thinking about how maybe every hole life has poked in us may just be where the thread needed to go through in order to have pulled us here today.
May 2020 · 128
honey May 2020
i read somewhere that without the moon, there would still be waves but the tides would be 1/3 of the size that they are now and it reminded me of you, you’re my moon and i’m the waves. i was here just doing wavey things and i was okay, but since you’ve come into my life your presence has elevated it into so much more than just a simple ripple in the water and i appreciate you like the waves appreciate the moon for just being here, with me, always. i love you.
honey Mar 2020
my cheek fits into the bank of your chest
bare skin, intertwined
warmth rapidly gathering
our bodies glistening with perspiration
even in the absence of intimacy, we are intimate
steady heartbeats, out of sync
but still a lovely sound
aphrodite rose from the foam of the sea
to witness what this might become
Mar 2020 · 129
clean up on aisle 13
honey Mar 2020
it's 3:11am and you've crept your way back into my head, again. you've dug a home into my brain and no matter what i can't evict the thought of you; you were so quick to leave me that unfortunately you forgot to pack some things like the memories i don't want and the bitter, sad smell of heartbreak is just lingering underneath. i didn't want to have to bring this to your attention so long after, but the fumes have been making my chest ache a little more than usual lately. it's becoming a major issue for my mental health and i would just like to ask of you that next time you decide to come back that you don't leave my head such a mess, thank you.

— The End —