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  Mar 2017 elizabeth
Samm Marie
Perhaps I am a confusing individual
Believing that human nature is inherently good
While thinking that the world is out to get me
But knowing the universe is indifferent
To my menial existence that has beautiful
Tones lifting other souls into their fullest
Potential where they can live
Abiding by laws of morality
Which is a grey area
Molded skillfully and in a lovely fashion
  Mar 2017 elizabeth
"Very difficult," says a little fairy
sitting all alone by herself
near a little singing brooke

and me, i was sitting by a tree
reading my poetry book
she cried to whom, i know not

"alas, finding real true love
is so very difficult"
i heard her say, and i thought
to myself, i must agree
  Mar 2017 elizabeth
Gregory Dun Aer
Happiness is the sunrise shining directly in your eyes,
enough to expose a light that warms your face
but not so misplaced as to burn your skin.
Happiness is in every bite of a creamy cake,
every bitter mistake erased and a poem
that solemnly says "maybe happiness is different-
for everyone".
But does happiness exist? Ask yourself what you may,
I know to this day, I still smile at the sight of her photo;
I still feel hollow when I remember heart wrenching moments,
and at this point I'm an open book to people who see me.
Life is filled with bitter-sweet moments, a smile and a hurt,
a flower and a dirt, a magical kiss and a curse.
So happiness to me, is in the eyes of everyone I've ever held,
the melding mesh that envelops the heart, not to feel frail,
not to feel stale, but to remind ourselves that "we are living-
because we are smiling".

Happiness is the sweet moments of the bitter-sweet mix,
the little kisses on sunny days and the little things
that remind us that through all the trouble, **WE ARE LIVING.
Poem response to Summer's poem happiness. She writes beautifully.

Go check her poems out at :
  Mar 2017 elizabeth
Gregory Dun Aer
As she has before
So she will after.
As he has before
but he hurts after.
As she has tried
so she will try again.
As he has tried
he has given up.
As she has met fate
she shall greet with love.
As he has met fate
shall he learn to let go.

As she has found love before
So she will find love after.

*As he has found love before
he finds it no more
  Mar 2017 elizabeth
Gregory Dun Aer
Don't don't don't
look at me for kindness
I I I am not a kind man.
Though you can carry on
this path is hard for me,
I won't won't won't
cherish all these thoughts.
So run run run
along I'm going my own way,
I won't won't won't
let you stop me.
I won't won't won't
let the ghost of you
ruin this for me.
Though my heart may carry on
this won't be cherished thoughts
and say what you may but
I won't won't won't
lose another breath for you.
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