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 Dec 2017 Poetoftheway
curled in upon himself
the patched cat sleeps
tail twitching in cat dream
a little growl comes from
somewhere in the middle
and then the skin shifts
in a wrinkled wave

i open the tin of sardines
and the bundle resolves
it's self into a lanky legged
tuxedo devon rex,
all slink and stretch
eyes and ears, mouth opened
in an enormous yawn
and nose mobile seeking scent

sardine goes into bowl
nose finds sardine
mouth follows
in seconds the bowl is clean  
and a pink tongue wipes lips,
as eyes plead for more

when none is forthcoming
cat takes himself
back to basket
to sleep away
this wet afternoon
 Dec 2017 Poetoftheway
O Painter
with thy own eye
                        would thee
paint me in mine own natural hue
prithee paint me as i am,
            and blemishes true

Load thy brush
                      with colors sundry
to maketh yond first pure sweep
across the ****** frieze,
fill'd with pangs of hunger.
paint me as i standeth
                  bethought, in deep

With mine own love and mine own desire,
blurring the edges unclean
with mine own regrets
                  and mine own mental gyre,
in mine own natural age,
               of deep forest green

O Painter
Paint me sinister turquoise,
in lavender and maroon,
combine the amethyst and amber
blend the iceberg
       and the indigo moon.

Paint me as i standeth,
       prithee see with thy eye
a mistress in yond lady plight
Prithee paint me all i am
i cullionly
a mistress in all yond lady might

Paint me in the optimistic
                             silv'r of dawn,
but don’t miss the purple
to shade the bruise
                              of the bygone.
paint me in the sky blue journal

O Painter
Paint me as a unique template
smudge black white and grizzled
merging all the colors of thy palette.
col'r me a rainbow
                            in a rainy drizzle

Paint me tall so yond i standeth
loftier than any mountain
Paint me as a dram bird, delicate
with soft feathers silken

Paint me harmony, as a violin
so yond i can sing thy solitary tune
paint me as thy poetry
         with song and melody
wrapp'd in a cocoon

O Painter
paint me as a dream yond rises
                               in did saturate colors
with a steady upbeat flight awry
tint, a fluttering
             of a quite quaint butterfly

Portray me with endurance
imbue so bold and bright
doth not hesitate
                to depict mine own mind
in profound fuchsia and white.

Useth the colors yond thee would borrow
Thy palette not yet exsufflicate
Paint mine own loss and mine own sorrow
in search of a shade so ******

Adorn mine own heart in glowing garnet
at which hour thee paint mine own love
add a true broken blue shade
of the cloud and the rain above;

Study mine own dry sorrow
                              in mine own soul
useth any shade thee plaited
soften the edges of control
in a tinge of xanthene.

O Painter
Prithee paint me
Mine own passion and mine own spirit
shall has't a crimson r'd hint
mine own remorse and mine own regret
shall reflect an ink stain print

Paint me in mine own eye so true
O Painter
but add a dash of courage too

When I paint, I’m never quite satisfied as I see all my mistakes, blemishes and colors not quite right. I tend to keep painting to try and get it all right. At some point, I arrive with the conclusion, if I keep going I’m going to mess it up. I stand across the room and, it’s then that I’m amazed at what I have created. I like to think that I’m seen in the same way by my creator.
Each Sunday this lady walks by me
We both exchange smiles and a few pleasant words
This morning a surprise awaited
Both said hello addressed the cold then out comes a card and a present
A Christmas card to wish good cheer and a little box with chocolates inside
Little did she know I had not had a great night before and the presents unexpected so sweet so lovely made such an impact
I thanked her wholeheartedly then walked on in my tracks
As tears fell down from my eyes
You never know how far a smile can travel :-)
It's almost mid-December more november thrills,
....just colder winds that give me a chill
and, remind me of a kind of peace...a rural calm,
in the old country days...simple celebrations
and the natural beauty of hand-made stars
hanging outside windows of houses...
their low lights seem dots , yet....seen, from
farms, ricefields, and from the old chapel,
the old chapel.....where people's most
ardent wishes, dreams and  prayers, rest,
the old chapel, which sounds so heavenly,
when "silent night," and "o holy night" are sung the cold hours of dawn masses...

no one feared the dark...people were guided
by and lighted...
white-painted wooden Christmas trees
adorned the small living rooms...small, but
filled with that holiday warmth, shared with
family, neighbors and friends...

in lieu of those humble huts, rows of
pompous concrete structures now stand tall
over once vast pasture-lands and rice fields,
mostly gussied up with expensive decors...yet,
......bereft of the true Christmas spirit...
...silent nights, are not so silent anymore...

my chest goes high and low,
the late november winds have blown
farther away,  taken over by the boldly cold,
yet, welcomed  festive airs of december...
i'm always happy about Christ's arriving,
i am sad.......the old ways...they're vanishing...


Copytight November 27, 2017
 Nov 2017 Poetoftheway
standing on the back deck
seeking a cool breeze
feeling the grain
of the old wood
beneath my feet
eyes meandering
from star to star
hearing the night birds sing
and the fish move in the pond
revelling in the serenity
still waitin on the breeze
I sip my  cold water
 Nov 2017 Poetoftheway
i lie on my stomach,
on damp green grass
next to my son
our arms resting on granite rock
still warm
from the sun's passing
i stare into the clear water of the pond
down past the great big lilypads
down past the koi, on sentry duty
down to the rocks rounded and smooth
that lie on the bottom, some covered with
algae beards and mustaches,
some bald
and shiny, pale
and deathly white
as tho the sun ignores them
some with messages
in  the secret script of water snail scribes
none perfect  
all marred or mis-shapen in some way
but together
they are a natural mosaic,
incredibly  beautiful
somewhat mesmerising
 Nov 2017 Poetoftheway
Star BG
 Nov 2017 Poetoftheway
Star BG
Words hit my heart,
as eyes gaze deeply
onto a landscape of a writers dream.

Phases tickle inside breath.
Windmills in the mind open.
Visions of Light merge,
with new thoughts.

And suddenly,
a new poem emerges,
like caterpillar to butterfly
to grace page.

A poem now birthed
by one named Star Blossom Goddess
meant so eyes may take flight
with perhaps a new evolving idea.
Just wanted to say thanks to all those on HP. You all are inspiring and a gift.

Birthdays are over and done,
october skies have moved on,
and brought us late november winds
we close our eyes to our unwanted truths
but....when we wake up, they're still there
they're too lazy to scamper away from us

so, we paint our minds with positive  occurrences
regardless of how people and circumstances
burst our balloons,
and bring down our festoons
some people make our spirits soar
...they make our days less dour
we wish to spend time with them
we would do, give anything on any term
just to experience moments with them,
even just for a thanksgiving night,
forget for a while our collapsed goals
.............which have turned to debacles
for, their fruition have become impossible
in our hearts, these dreams hide.
...they live on in our mind,
until God knows when...
it makes me think,
"time is always behind me
like......a shadow, warning me.."
so tonight,
after stuffed turkey, cranberry sauce and wine
and veggies, and coffee and apple pie,
i'd go out for a while, wear a thick sweater
and find the moon
full or crescent, it won't matter
if it doesn't show up...the stars would be there
i'll sing my song.....and start my dance
til i can no longer put up with the cold
and i will have to seek warmth inside.


Copyright November 23, 2017
Wrote this while listening to
Van Morrison's MOONDANCE.
 Nov 2017 Poetoftheway
at night
it manifests
this dream of mine
to write my world
my hopes, my decline
and rise again to fall
it to this pit of words,
to break this wall
that lies betwixt us,
your world...
so different to the one
i inhabit.
these words like songlines,
leylines for you to follow
down into the depths
down past the dressings
into the magma
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