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Let's open a book
and read the first page.
Once upon a time
in a long forgotten age
there lived a young girl
she didn't possess any magic powers
and she lived in a house
not locked in a tower
in fact that girl
why she could even be you
let's imagine she is
and make this story come true.
You could be my Snow White
the most beautiful of them all
or you could be my evil queen
your jealousy will be your downfall.
You could be my Cinderella
your true beauty will be revealed at midnight
or you could be my Rapunzel
your hair truly is a magnificent sight.
You could be my Alice
lost in a wonderland inside your head
or you could be my sleeping beauty
exploring new lands while asleep in your bed.
You could be my little mermaid
with your enchanting voice
or you could just be yourself
because honestly that would be my choice...
Sitting in the corner
lost in a maze
listening to songs
about the guy not getting the girl
they're just so much more heartfelt
than those songs
with the fairytale endings.
writing or singing about what you don't have
can make your heart feel empty
but at least we're not lying to ourselves,
writing can be like going through a maze
the start can easily be found
but then you get lost somewhere in the middle
and when you find the end
you can still feel lost
so we go back to the start
and become lost
all over again...
The Maze represents what I'm writing, I'm lost in the words I'm writing down whilst listening to the songs.
she was at home in your arms
she was protected in your arms
she was secure in your arms
she was loved in your arms
she was safe in your arms

safe from her nightmares
safe from strange noises in the night
safe from her taunting sister
safe from everything

safe in your arms.

how could you take those arms away?

she isn't safe anymore,
not from her nightmares,
not from strange noises in the night
not from her taunting sister,
not from

she's not safe anymore.
not anymore

she's not your little girl.
not anymore.

she can't be.


because you are


you knew.
but you can't tell us.
not anymore.
Last night I drempt I saw you again.
It all seemed so real,
Never Did I doubt it was only a dream.

I saw your face clearly,
Clearer than I knew my memories could allow.
Your smile, your smell, the feel of your arms around me,
Never once did I doubt it was only a dream.

I stared in disbelief,
You grabbed me, you held me, I cried on your chest.
Never once did I doubt it was all only  a dream.

The thing about dreams is that time has no control of them.
We did all the things we used to do,
It was as if all the years we spent together we re-lived in a few hours.
Never Did I doubt it was only a dream.

I had let you go, I knew you were gone.
But now I miss you more than ever.
Even if It was only a dream.

This morning I went to see the Lily we'd planted,
It's the only piece of you I have left.

As much as I still love you,
As much as I will always miss you,
As much as I want to dream of you again.
I'm afraid to fall asleep again,
Dreaming of you hurts to much...
Dreams Hurt™  By Nadia DeLevea
When you ask of me, why poetry
I'm not sure you understand
That it's the center of my universe
The very depth of who I am

The molecules in the air I breath
Oxygen pulsing through the veins
The storm brewing beneath the surface
The pounding of the rain

It's the timeless anticipation
Of the thought that's yet to come
The tearing open of life's seam
The beating of the drum

The first peak of the desert flower
When it feels the gentle touch of spring
The smile in the eyes of a child
And all the joy it brings

The in and out of the tide
In the pulling of the waves
When you ask of me, why poetry
What more is there to say
Let's just sell each other -
That's what we should do
You for two of me
Me for two of you
Let's just tell each other -
When asked what it's about
The art was just a question
While the answer was in doubt
It's here again
That feeling of doubt
I am at war with myself
I'm at the point of where I can't go back
Not this time I'm sorry
It's not you, It's me, is all I can say
Even my painted smile is fading
My mask is falling
I know you'll be there for me
But you know life is like flies
Friendship is born and it dies
It's like standing on the ledge
A breath away from spiraling downward
Past cotton candy clouds
I really don't mind this demise
My heart is flying
But my mind is dying
I know its to late but I want to start over
I'm going to rewrite the first page of my life
You know my mind could be fixed
But hell has a lullaby that is so calming
Come and fix me please
Play a game of doctor to fix my weeping soul
I don't believe my body could take another cut
What can I do?
It's here again
I know this pain wont last
I know that this knife wont help
But to see the cotton candy clouds
Sweetens up the whole deal
But a hug just might help
One of flesh and blood
But once I get to close
I go spiraling down farther
Down to hells sweet lullaby
But this feeling
This feeling of doubt will go
It will go past cotton candy clouds
To a safer place
Past cotton candy clouds.
To those who understand what this means...
It's like getting suffocated.
Hands around your neck,
squeezing harder,
and harder.
Yet it's not hands.
It's words.
Words you say.
Things you call me,
either straight to my face,
or behind my back.
Those are the words,
that suffocate.

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