I’ve turned into a puddle,
Melted by the warmth of your smile.
It’s the way you look at me,
The way you’ve wrapped yourself around my soul.
I’ve cried oceans thinking of you.
And when I do,
All I feel are these warm, fuzzy feelings
Tumbling in my chest,
Making me lighter, making me happy.
I hold you in the highest place in my mind.
You’ve stolen my heart.
When I’m with you, butterflies stir—
Fluttering, restless, begging to be free.
And when I gaze into your beautiful eyes,
I see a window into your soul,
A glimpse of my greatest dream.
Loving you feels like a gentle, flowing stream,
Soft, constant, and magical.
The places I want to take you, Emy,
Are indescribable—
Worlds born of pure imagination,
Places only we can dream of.
You are sweet,
Beautiful in every way.
I want you to know—
I’m here to stay.
Forever, you’ll hold my heart in your hands,
And what you do with it is yours to decide.
When I’m gone, know this:
If they take my heart from me,
It will still belong to you.
You’re everywhere, Emy—
In my heart, my lungs,
My soul, my bones.
You are the essence of me.
And though we’re both made of carbon,
You’re something rarer—
A diamond.
A diamond brighter than any other.
One that no riches could ever claim.
A diamond that makes me cry,
That fills me with joy,
That leaves me in awe.
You are one of a kind, Emy.
Wear it proudly.
There may be other Emas,
But there is only one Emy—
Only one whose beauty the world must know.
Eres mis sueños más bellos,
Porque los momentos que paso contigo
Viven en mi mente, repitiéndose sin fin.
Eres hermosa, la hermosa,
La única en este mundo.
Ay, Emy, ¿qué vamos a hacer?
Si quieres, te llevo a las estrellas,
Y allí bailaremos todas las noches,
Solo tú y yo.
Oh, Emy.
Oh, Emy.
Te veo,
En mis sueños.