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Dec 2014
And for the first time
I realise why,
Love and the moon are interconnected.
Looked up at the sky
Whilst walking on a non-starry night.
There it was,
As majestic as ever.
That was all  it took,
One look.
I couldn’t drag my sight away.
Now I have a valid reason,
A reason to say:
He is my moon.
It is my way of telling the world
That you are what I see.
You are that which is all absorbing…

And out of everyone sitting on the table,
Why do I find myself giving YOU sly smiles and lustful glances?
Those smiles and eyes oh so full of hope,
Those poor eyes, tragedy are they yet to see!
Why  do I keep finding myself hoping,
Hoping you will fall in love.
Is it because,
I have already fallen?
Maybe I couldn’t hide what I feel,
Maybe I DON’T want to hide what I feel,
For I keep hoping you notice
Notice how my chest rises and falls more
Because of you,
Because of you, Goosebumps, shivers & more.
More is what I want from you
Secretly I pray
That what you want to do to me
Is much more…
And more is what I want us to become…
Rano Al-Azem
Written by
Rano Al-Azem
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