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Dec 2014
I don't think full thoughts anymore
More like random words or useless fragments.

I don't think I can tolerate anymore small talks or deep statements.  
I don't believe your shallow mind or your profound engagement.

I don't believe in anyone
I thought if I ever felt this low I would just drop dead and die.

But the thing about life is that it keeps going it doesn't care how you survive
And the thing about me right now is I don't know how to survive , let alone learn to live my life.    

And the thing is I'm young,  and to many I'm considered to have a good life.

To those who do drop dead and die . Maybe if you had my life you would have lived it better or maybe you would have felt the same way I feel.

I am blessed its real.

But I can't I can't I can't shake off this heavy feeling

And I do I do I do have my reasons

And you might not see them but if you had my life you would believe them.
lina S
Written by
lina S
   Kate Irons
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