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Nov 2014
I tried always
looking for her
searching for her
for only a trace
of her presence
in my life.

The evanescence
of her existence
always fading,
from my life.

my paths
crossed hers
but I lost her,
she eluded my sight
blinding darkness, no light
like the words
that elude
my quill
when I brood
in a pensive mood
I'm unable to write.

And when in loneliness
deprived of thoughts
I lay mindless
to sleep alone
and slowly flown
into the visions,
of my mind.

I try not to try trying
to look for her
but she
appears in full light
with all of her might
like a hyper realistic sketch
embroidered, engrained and etched
on the curtains of my mind.

her image comes alive
from a memory
her face of ivory
her lips of soft cotton
that I had forgotten
long ago
and now
she keeps coming
back to me
in the swirling carousel of dreams
and plays a motion picture
as I try not to think.

As I try not to think
words keep coming
back to me
and this verse flows freely.
Written by
Anand  Pune
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