You gave me that feeling nobody else could Your touches secure me, protect me My heart felt light and alive
The eight months of being coerced apart effects nothing My heart only hurts missing warmth That feeling will only be there along with you For it was first felt with you Without you, My heart wouldn't know it
With my head on your heart as you held me I knew It will be only you that held my heart together
You gave me the hope of finally feeling that feeling Of the feeling Where ever it is now.. It will be felt the moment I feel you
To Jake, For he may not see this for awhile but the feeling was like no other. It is a much more special kind of love. He made my heart flutter and I smiled to no extent when I saw him. I could not even keep a straight face if I was angry. He gave me love and happiness without a single word and I have fallen more than over heels for such an amazing person. I can only hope to see him again and forever after that.