There's a song in my head that replays, How can I get rid of you if you are in my head all day? Please leave me alone, My heart is already made of stone, but You taunt me with this song, The song that plays all day long. "Say nighty-night and kiss me. Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me. While I'm alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me" Memories of how you would sing this to me, Oh how I wish you would dream a little dream of me. But now I am a broken glass, Sharp and dangerous. Like a piece of bread, bland and flavorless. I have nothing left of me, So I choose to be high You see with out you I'm as cold and lonely as can be. So get this song out of my head, Because I remember when you always said, Dream a little dream of me . No, let me fly and spread my wings, Leave me and my thoughts alone, leave me and my heart of stone, "Tell me you miss me" So that I can break your heart, like you did mine. So "dream a little dream of me."
I used some lyrics from Ella Fitzgeralds song "dream a little dream of me"