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Nov 2014
Used to be, that i could walk down to the store and grab some milk...
...It's too far
Used to be, that I could wash all my clothes and then put them away...
...It's too hard

Used to be that I could walk & run,
Right a task list, get it done,
Plan a night out, have some fun,
But now I can't, and I feel so dumb.

Example A, my laundry, begging for OMO,
***** clothes, still lying on the floor.
Plain clothes waiting patiently for the cupboard,
So far, it's been at least five days, or more.

But I try, then I sigh, now, I cry.

Motivation for myself?
     That is no more
Motivation for others?
     I'll find a way to the door
I wake up in the morning and I can't raise my head
Unless a friend needs my help, then I'll get out of bed
But if I'm the one calling, then the phone's always dead.

Please evict this depression,
Please just send it away
Because I'm so sick of asking:
"What's the point of today?"

Why do I bother to stay?
Important: I know some of these poems might seem dangerously morbid and even suicidal, but I promise you, I am safe and am not in danger. These poems are written in my darkest moments and i want to be true to my emotions, as i figure that might make it more relate-able for others out there and thus be therapeutic?

Please, if you read this and you are feeling this same low, call your local counseling/crisis line. They are really amazing and non-judgmental support in my experience.
For any other Aussies, you can call lifeline on 13 11 14.
Oxygen Bandit
Written by
Oxygen Bandit  Sydney, Australia
(Sydney, Australia)   
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