Don't discriminate Just don't do it All it is, is hate Hate is made out of other hate and hate only fuels more hatred You pour gasoline on a blaze of loathing with every discriminatory comment you make It doesn't matter if they have done something you believe is wrong because you have done many things that are wrong too it is not for you to judge so black white brown both or polka dotted for all I care gay les straight bi or into adhesive sloths (we adhesified furry little sloths need a little love too) man or woman or sloth punk emo crazy nerdy weird loser REALLY weird bookworm or literal worm sloth or adhesive sloths (like me) nature freak or homebody axe murderer or a cereal killer or a cheerio killer it does not matter who or what they are they are all human too. or all sloths. that too. Just don't discriminate and share the slothified love of adhesiveness accept everyone as they are even if they hang from trees and move in slow motion all day like me even if they are rocks because rocks are great in fact this one time, I found this rock and man, it was absolutely hilarious it should have been a stand up comedian okay well not a STAND UP comedian, because I mean... rocks can't actually stand up... but like a really hard and Sedimentary roundish stone shaped sit down (well more like lay around like a rock all day) comedian Wait, what was I talking about? oh right, don't discriminate!! :) against other humans or other sloths. or adhesive sloths.
...I'm not crazy! my mother sloth had me tested!
yeah, I kind of need a life. I've lost a lot of brain cells falling out of my tree when I confuse my arm with a tree branch, grab it and almost fall to my death... anyway, hope the underlying message here gets across. lots of love to the adhesive sloths out there! repost if you are an adhesive sloth lover!!!