He would be kind To everyone Polite at least He would get along with my friends Be able to carry a conversation Be someone I could be proud to introduce to my parents Someone who would scare them Someone who likes dogs Who will support me in an argument But not always give me what I want (only mostly :p) Who will listen to me when I am upset But know when to distract me from my thoughts He would know the real me And like me for it He wouldn't laugh at me for loving writing Or being crazy He would want to read all of my stories He wouldn't be afraid of those three words Yet he would mean them when he said it He would push my limits But not destroy my comfort zone He would be proud to call me his girlfriend I would be able to trust him wholeheartedly He would be honest And if either one of us had to end our relationship It would not be because he cheated We would be able to talk for hours About anything Or nothing Or we could just sit together Quietly With no awkwardness And basically just be my best friend And the best boyfriend I could ask for
I'm sure there are more things I would like but thats all I can think of.