Every evening I sit on the banks of the Old Man Withdrawing the gurgles and churns And applying it as salve to my soul.
I meditate on the modernistic monolith Perched on the banks of the coulees. A castle made of sand, so to speak; A house of learning; fiat lux~medicine rock. The name isn't important, its role is. The binder in the masonry is metaphor that I use to Bind me to my duty on this plane of existence.
I am a miniscule piece of an eternal pie. Still, my actions are important. Every choice I make sends a signal back to the pie Reminding It of its essence. It is not apple or cherry or pizza, even The eternal pie that we are all a piece of is Love
Those castles I spoke of earlier Are continuously flowing Back into the love From whence they came.
Why the duality? Why not just stay in the spirit world and commune with Love?
2 reasons 1. Our souls need to grow: for growth we take to the physical, mental, and spiritual plane
2. Love is imperfect: the definition needs further unraveling