I sometimes I get this feeing as though I was being forced into a meat grinder. Urged to remove my fat only to spit out chunks of blood and bone instead. The cracking, clicking snaps of marrow that exudes from it like wastage. The fat engorging through the tiny weeping holes. All I can see is the repetitive nature of damage leaking from this abstraction and I feel it in my flesh. Crawling like tiny bugs, entrapping themselves and eroding their bodies into the hair on my skin. Uncultivated; I have fallen into the funnel hooked up to the grinder and I feel its body churn me. It thrusts its cold metal exterior against my lean limbs; ticking. I try to form a response when all the while this loud heavy machine is echoing against the walls, making my voice utterly meaningless. Like ground beef I am belched out only to be covered in a plastic film that pushes all the oxygen from it. I am stuck in this silhouette, shaped as a slab of meat.