I really don't want to write this poem. Doing so means you're really going. You've been a big part of my life. I was only just turning three. That was when you came. You've been here since I can remember. I don't want you to go today.
I hate how much you're struggling. I can't believe it's today. If I could take away you're pain, I'd do it this very second. If I could I'd still be seconds late.
There's an ache in my heart. I know it won't go away for so long. I don't want to miss you, Because if I miss you then you'll be gone. You don't know how hard this is. It's way too hard to let go. Why give in? Too bad there's no other way.
You fought so hard. It's not your fault and god knows you don't deserve this. I can't believe it's your time. I don't want it to be, But sadly that won't change a thing.
You though, will change everything. You've always been here. You have to be here. Why do you have to go? I know it's you're time. I know you've lived long. I just want you here forever.
I could cry a thousand tears, But that won't stop you going. Oh well I can't help, So I'll do it anyway. I'll continue crying millions of tears. Unfortunately though, still you will go.
I won't say goodbye. Not really a goodbye. If I do it would mean you're going. You're not really going. You can't really go. You belong here at home.
You might be a dog, But you're our family. No matter what happens you will always be. You can't be going. I know you are, But you'll never really be gone. You still have to be here. Be here everyday. Maybe we won't have to move on.
You are the best dog ever. You always will be! Even when you're 'gone'. Wherever you go, Does anyone really know? Do we even have to. I know you'll be somewhere. I'll see you again. Until then I'll be missing you.
Very soon I'll have to let you go. I know it's for the best and all, But even so it won't help this pain. At least you won't be suffering your pain. I have to try to let go, But that's the last thing I want to do. You've always been here. So why can't you stay? I can't help these pointless questions.
Eventually I'll move on, I know. Thats how all of this stuff goes. That doesn't mean I'll: Forget you, Stop loving you, Stop thinking of you And I know I won't stop missing you.
Goodbye max. But this isn't goodbye really, Because this is not the end. One day we'll all see you. Then we can all be happy together again.
My grandma's dog sadly died the day before my birthday (27th Oct)! :,( rest in peace Max.