Hero's are not extraordinary people doing extraordinary things Instead they are ordinary people seeming to do extraordinary things If you asked them they would say they are ordinary people doing ordinary things, they don't view themselves as Hero's They had the courage to rush in and help at a time of need Have you ever rushed in to help a friend, you might be a Hero to them Sometimes a Hero wears a uniform and sometimes not Often times a Hero gives whatever they got If a family is in need of food and you give to help them, you might become a Hero to them Being a Hero does not require money, you can be a Hero by giving of your time, volunteering in your community You could also visit a shut in, or visit at a nursing home You might be a Hero to them You could be a Hero already by raising a child with special needs Hero's take many forms indeed Hero's step in when others are in need, we can take their lead and follow their example and be a Hero too Be a Hero, someone needs you