We are the forgotten ones The ones who can articulate beyond the guns and knifes. We don't need a beat Our word flow through emotionally. We are here to capture and decipher minds Teach them all those things school has left behind How history is only written by the victor How there's more to blacks than Rosa Parks, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr's his..tory. Let's not leave out the truth. Poets stand up, fight for the youth. We share our truth about love Let's share the truth about knowledge Forget the cliches of if life gives you lemons make lemonade. We freed ourselves from the British. Then enslaved Africa and made them forget who they were. Only of Britain would had thought of that first. Let's not sugar coat the past Let's control the present and the future. Poets stand up We are the symphonies of hip hop, rap and r&b; We are the class. We are the Billy Holliday and Marvin Gay of this new era. Like the fitted cap we fit snugg. Poets stand up. **** speaking on unicorns and rainbows The sunny side of the chi. Just last night my Lil man's got shot by the cops. I use to say he was my son Now I plan his funeral with his mom. Poets stand up Bloods, crips, gangsters, thugs re unite as the black panthers. Poets stand up! Poets stand up! As they say ok ok your 15 seconds of fame Is up. No more from you today Mr. Ananymous.