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Oct 2014
sometimes the truth
hurts more
than a irreparable bone
and love
hurts more
than a bleeding stab wound
and honesty
feels like a battery acid
fighting through
like it's a factory job

they say
love is blind
but they don't tell you
love is also
than its cousin
and doesn't learn from its mistakes
and never deserves what it gets
and love
wishes it was dead
for being
the eighth wonder
of the natural world
and causing
all the good things
but also all the bad ones
yet what we seem to forget
is that the earth will
keep spinning
and the sun will
keep rising
and the moon will
keep waxing
and people
will keep being happy
without this bittersweet curse
and the phrase
"it is better to have
loved and lost
than to never have
loved at all"
will not exist
and will not be
the anthem of every person
who has ever been hurt
because these are universal
l i e s

in some cases
ignorance is bliss
when it comes
to love
ignorance is ecstasy
and your hands
are electricity
your mouth
is shimmering heaven
where gods enjoy paradise
and my actions
are the seventh circle
of dante's inferno
and the universe
joyfully condemns me
for my sins
-and i deserve it-
to the smell and sting and ugly sight
of burning flesh
for as long as this
called love
should i enjoy
anything less?

the ground
it already opened up
and swallowed me because
i am
the essence
of pure evil
i am being reclaimed
the heavens open up
and receive you
because you are
the reward;
the muslim's seventy-two virgins
the christian's gold-trimmed palace
the pagan's summerland
the hindu's nirvana
for every being
who did
what they were supposed to
i am ****

you are spilt gasoline
and i am a match
you are my warm bed
and i am
the moment
when you are falling
and you can't see the ground
the ground that swallowed me
Written by
nicole  miami
   Raj Arumugam
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