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Oct 2014
Why do you even try to say my name?
What will you ever gain from painful sounds?
I do believe your love was all a game,
Not real enough to lift you off the ground.
Why do you even try to call me back?
I know you only want to calm your soul;
It aches and feels conspicuous and black,
Because you've been despicable, you know.
What could you reach by saying you were wrong?
I know that well, and you do, too; so why?
It drags my heart down crowded halls so long:
My body your words cause to want to die.
     How long will all this pain continue on?
     The truth is, all I feel for you is gone.
Mrs Ashley Somebody
Written by
Mrs Ashley Somebody  27/F/No longer wandering :)
(27/F/No longer wandering :))   
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