I heard his voice before he spake clear as day, there was no mistake He said, “I will carry you from the shore to the sea, lulled in forgiving waters as you have carried me.”
“You can only love as much as you are willing to be hurt~ the capacity of the heart is immense; But no one knows from where it comes, or whence or how much farther it goes.”
“Many pretend to be in love because they fear being alone but the heart cannot be fooled and deceptions, it will not condone.”
I sat beneath that twilight sky and reveled in its majesty, the breeze playing with my hair my face kissed by the sea salt scent in the air.
I closed my eyes in restful repose, as he continued in his speaking: “Love does not seek our permission, he said. whether in it’s coming or it’s leaving.”
“So rejoice in its company Let not your fears control your mind, what is meant for you will always be yours, what is not, will take its course~ the hands of time cannot rewind.”
The sun made its final descent for the night and silence once again ensued But the voice stayed with me as my guiding light and with stillness, my soul it imbued.